Coordinate graph

Quadrant 1

What quadrant is the red coordinate pair in?

Quadrant 4

What quadrant is the green coordinate pair in?

The origin

Where is the blue coordinate located?

Quadrant 3

What quadrant is the purple coordinate in?


States that two expressions are equal. Contains an equal sign.

coordinate pair

A pair of numbers used to locate a point on the coordinate plane. Written in the form (x,y)

Quadrant 1

What quadrant is (3, 7) located?

Quadrant 2

What quadrant is (-4, 9) located?

Quadrant 3

What quadrant is (-6, -6) located?

Quadrant 4

What quadrant is (9, -2) located?

Ordered pair

A pair of numbers used to locate a point in the coordinate plane.

Positive numbers

Numbers to the right, above or greater than zero.

Negative numbers

Numbers to the left, below or less than zero.


A coordinate plane is divided into four sections known as...


The vertical axis is called...


The horizontal axis is called...


A quantity that changes.


A labeling scheme/numbers that are used to mark the axes on a graph.

Dependent variable

This variable is located on the y-axis.

Independent variable

This variable is located on the x-axis.