Fraction, Decimal, & Percent Conversions

0.5, 50%

What is the decimal and percent for 1/2?

0.25, 25%

What is the decimal and percent for 1/4?

0.1, 10%

What is the decimal and percent for 1/10?

0.2, 20%

What is the decimal and percent for 1/5?

0.3, 30%

What is the decimal and percent for 3/10?

0.4, 40%

What is the decimal and percent for 2/5?

0.6, 60%

What is the decimal and percent for 3/5?

0.7, 70%

What is the decimal and percent for 7/10?

0.75, 75%

What is the decimal and percent for 3/4?

0.8, 80%

What is the decimal and percent for 4/5?

0.9, 90%

What is the decimal and percent for 9/10?

1.0, 100%

What is the decimal and percent for 1?

0.375, 37.5%

What is the decimal and percent for 3/8?

0.125, 12.5%

What is the decimal and percent for 1/8?

0.625, 62.5%

What is the decimal and percent for 5/8?

0.875, 87.5%

What is the decimal and percent for 7/8?