Multiplying Fractions

Improper fraction

Numerator (top number) is bigger than the denominator (bottom number)

Mixed number

a whole number and a fraction

To multiply fractions

Multiply numerator (top number) and then multiply denominator (bottom number), SIMPLIFY

Improper fraction

Mixed number or improper fraction? 5/2

Mixed number

Mixed number or improper fraction?

Mixed number

Mixed number or improper fraction? 4 1/2

Improper fraction

Mixed number or improper fraction? 10/2

numerator, denominator

To multiply fractions: Multiply _____________ and then multiply ____________


Remember to always __________________ your answer!

Changing an improper fraction to a mixed number

Divide numerator (top number) by denominator (bottom number). Find and write down the whole number. Make the remainder the numerator. The denominator remains the same.

Changing a mixed number to an improper fraction

Multiply the whole number by the fraction's denominator. Add this number to the numerator. The answer becomes your new numerator. The denominator stays the same.

Improper fraction

When given a mixed number to multiply, you should change it to an _______________ to make it easier for you to multiply

Mixed number

If your answer is an improper fraction, you should check the directions to see if you need to change it to a ____________________.

Multiply numerators (2x5) = 10
Multiply denominators (3x4) = 12
Simplify 10/12 becomes 5/6
The answer is 5/6

Multiply 2/3 * 5/4

Divide numerator by denominator to find the whole number and remainder.
12/5 = 2 remainder of 2
The whole number is 2, remainder is 2
The remainder becomes the numerator, the denominator stays the same.
The answer is 2 2/5

Change 12/5 to a mixed number


top number

whole number

the number without the fraction


bottom number






1/2 of 100


1/4 of 100


3/4 of 100 (think of quarters and $1.00)