Russian Revolution pt.3

What did Russia become in 1922?

Russia became USSR

What year did Russia become USSR?


What does USSR stand for?

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

What did the newly written constitution make Russia?

Made Russia a socialist state

What caused Russia to become a socialist state?

The newly written constitution

In theory, who was the Soviet Union supposed to be run by?

The workers

Who actually ran the Soviet Union?

The Communist Party

What 2 people fought for power after Lenin died?

Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin

Who is Leon Trotsky?

Leader of the Red Army during the civil war

Who is Joseph Stalin?

General Secretary of the Communist Party

What was the difference between Trotsky and Stalin?

Trotsky wanted to spread communism all over the world immediately while Stalin wanted to make it strong in the Soviet Union first

Who was closer to Lenin & more well known?


How was Stalin at an advantage?

He outmaneuvered Trotsky politically

What did Stalin have the ability to do?

Ability to remove and appoint government officials

Once he gained control of the government, what did Stalin do? What year? Where?

He exiled Trotsky to Siberia in 1929

Where did Trotsky move to? What happened to him?

Moved to Mexico City. Stalin sent an assassin there to kill him

What 3 things (in order) did Stalin do to gain power?

Had the ability to remove and appoint government officials
Once he gained control of the government, he exiled Trotsky to Siberia in 1929
Trotsky eventually moved to Mexico city, Stalin sent an assassin there to kill him

What did Stalin rule? From what year to what year?

Ruled the Soviet Union from 1929-1953

What was Stalin responsible for?

The next major extension of communist control

What 3 things did the next major extension lead to?

In Eastern Europe after WWI
Soviet military forces already there after the war, stayed there to help impose communist regimes per Stalin's orders
Stalin wanted to be surrounded by "friendly" governments as security against invasions from the west

What economy did Stalin call for?

A command economy

What is a command economy?

a system in which the government makes all economic decisions

What did political leaders do?

Identified economic needs & determined how to fulfill them

What does Stalin create (plan)? Why?

5 Year Plan (2 of them) in order to create a goal for the nation to strive towards

What did this plan set? What had to be limited to reach these goals? What did this cause?

This plan set unrealistically high goals. Consumer production had to be limited to try to teach these goals causing widespread shortages of food, housing, clothes, etc.

What did the government control? 3 examples?

Controlled all aspects of people's lives. Chose jobs, assigned hours, needed permission of the police to move

What happened to those who did not cooperate?

Those who did not cooperate could be executed or sent to the gulags

How many privately owned farms were seized? When?

25 million privately owned farms were seized in 1928

What did the government combine these farms into? Who owned them? What did they tell them to do?

Combined into government owned collective farms were told what to plant, when, etc.

Who did they have strong resistance against? Especially who? Who were the Kulaks?

Strong resistance from peasants - especially Kulaks - class of wealthy peasants

How did the majority of the peasants live? What percent? When?

In 1938, 90% of peasants lived on collectives

How people people died? How?

5-10 million people died mostly from lack of food

Who did "police terror" destroy?

Destroyed enemies of Stalin

What did the police terror monitor? (3 things)

Telephone lines, Read mail, and planted informants

Why did children tell on parents?

For "disloyal" comments

What does the "Great Purge" mean?

Term used to describe the systematic killed of many enemies of the state

What are 2 examples of the great purge?

Bolshevik party members & Kulaks

What did Bolshevik party members help with?What kind of thinkers were they?

Bolshevik party members helped in the Revolution of 1917. They were Free thinkers

Who were the Kulaks?

wealthy peasants

What did the Kulaks do?

Deliberately destroyed fields rather than have them taken by the state