ch 17 vocab history

Border States

Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri


to join the armed forces


smaller river flows into bigger area


Wooden ships with metal armor that were employed by both sides during the Civil War.

Emancipation Proclamation

Proclamation issued by Lincoln, freeing all slaves in areas still at war with the Union.


a person killed or injured in a war or accident

Habeas Corpus

An order to produce an arrested person before a judge.


A law requiring people of a certain age to serve in the military


Reward or payment


a piece of U.S. paper money first issued by the North during the Civil War


Fortify; reinforce; secure.


The side or edge of a military formation


In psychoanalysis, the blocking from consciousness of anxiety-laden material.

Total Warfare

When a country uses all of its resources that they have to put themselves into a war

Abe Lincoln

President during the Civil Warrior

Thomas Jackson

Confederate general whose men stopped Union assault during the Battle of Bull Run

George McClellan

union general, 1st commander, overly cautious, fired by Lincoln

Ulysses S. Grant

Union general

Robert E Lee

Confederate general

Jefferson Davis

President of the Confederate States of America

George Meade

Commanded the Union Army of the Potomac at Gettysburg

Joseph Hooker

United States general in the Union Army who was defeated at Chancellorsville by Robert E. Lee

George Pickett

Confederate general who fought at Gettysburg

William Sherman

First modern general to understand the concept of total war.