econ 2200 test 2 rudbeck

Fort Sumter

first event in civil war

Abraham Linocln

first republicn prez

northern democrats


jefferson davis

confederate states of america

winfield scot

anaconda plan

Robert E lee



drafting to ensure a stedy supply of soilders

currency reform act of 1864

to curb inflation
decreasing money supply

Writ of habeaus corpus

right to trial

revnue of act of 1861

first income tax in history
flat tax on 3% of income over $800.

progresive tax system

increse with higher level of income

revenue act of 1862

repealed 61 and institued the tupe of progresssive tax

revenue act of 64

doubled rates, income taxes gained the union 55 mill.

16th amendment

dropped apportionment requirement and made the income tax permamnent.

morrill tarriff act of 61

increased tarriff 5-10%

green backs: flat money


compensated emancipation

delware agreed fed buyings its slaves freedom

beard hacker thesis

transfer political power from south to north resulted from the civil war

andrew johnson

souther demoncrat

13th amendment

outlawing slavery
black codes

14th amendement

citizensip requirement

Fort Sumter

first event in civil war

Abraham Linocln

first republicn prez

northern democrats


jefferson davis

confederate states of america

winfield scot

anaconda plan

Robert E lee



drafting to ensure a stedy supply of soilders

currency reform act of 1864

to curb inflation
decreasing money supply

Writ of habeaus corpus

right to trial

revnue of act of 1861

first income tax in history
flat tax on 3% of income over $800.

progresive tax system

increse with higher level of income

revenue act of 1862

repealed 61 and institued the tupe of progresssive tax

revenue act of 64

doubled rates, income taxes gained the union 55 mill.

16th amendment

dropped apportionment requirement and made the income tax permamnent.

morrill tarriff act of 61

increased tarriff 5-10%

green backs: flat money


compensated emancipation

delware agreed fed buyings its slaves freedom

beard hacker thesis

transfer political power from south to north resulted from the civil war

andrew johnson

souther demoncrat

13th amendment

outlawing slavery
black codes

14th amendement

citizensip requirement