Philosophy - Thinker Quiz 1

What is the main question or issue of Republic?

Why should I be just? Why is the just life better or more beneficial than the unjust life?

What are the three kinds of goods from the start of Book II?

- Good valued only for itself, but not for its results (pleasant)
- Good valued for itself and for its results (finest)
- Good valued for its results but not itself (unpleasant)

What kind of good is justice according to Socrates?

Good of the best kind - good for itself and for its results (finest)

What is Glaucon's "issue" for Socrates to address?

Give me the argument for why justice is valued for itself, apart from the material results of being just

What is Adeimantus' "issue" for Socrates to address?

In addition to answering Glaucon, give the argument for the pleasant results of being just that are not material rewards from people here-and-now or from gods in the afterlife, and provide a better "story" for being just

What is the purpose of constructing the "ideal city" or the "city in speeches"?

- Serves as a metaphor for the individual soul with the three "classes" of workers representing the three parts/functions of the soul
- Provides the beginning of a better story

Is Socrates's argument aimed at the individual or political level?

Individual only!

Am I deprived of truth with or without my consent and why?

- I can only be deprived of the truth by "theft" or "magic" or "force" without my consent
- Because I would not desire my own harm
- So I must not be aware that I am losing a true belief to embrace falsehood
- This is my fault because I should have been a

What is the "noble lie" (3 parts) and what is its purpose?

- Your education and upbringing was like a dream
- Everyone in the "city" is a brother from the same mother (origin)
Each has a metal - gold, silver, bronze/iron - in him which determines his function in the whole
- The purpose of the "noble lie" is prima

What is wisdom?

- Managing my soul excellently
- Knowing what is good for each part of the soul and the whole altogether
- Knowing what is to be feared and what is not to be feared

Of which part in the soul is wisdom a virtue?

Virtue of the rational part

Does this make the rational part "better" or more important than the other parts of the soul?

No, because it must rule for the good of the whole soul and not just its own interests

What is courage/bravery?

- Protecting the whole soul by keeping intact through both pleasures and pains
- The instructions and opinions given to it by the rational
- Concerning what is to be feared and what is not to be feared

Of which part in the soul is courage/bravery a virtue?

Virtue of the spirited part

What does spirited (thumos) mean?

Esteem, honor or respect-seeking part

What is self-discipline?

- The ability of the parts to work harmoniously together
- Because of the friendship and trust that exists
- From all of the parts agreeing that the rational part must rule
- In order for the desires of each to be rightly managed

Of which part in the soul is self-discipline a virtue?

Virtue of the whole soul

Why is self-discipline not the virtue of the appetitive or desiring part?

Because the physical appetites cannot do their job well or poorly

What is justice?

- Living beautifully due to the excellent performance of my function
- Because each part of the soul trusts it can work independently
- Doing its own work, minding its own business, not meddling in the work of another part
- Especially in terms of ruling

Of which part in the soul is justice a virtue?

Virtue of the whole soul

Does this definition concern the internal state of the soul or external relations between persons?

Focuses on the internal which would set the stage for my interactions with other persons

What is injustice?

- The unpleasant state of my soul
- That results from meddling and "civil war" among the parts
- An uprising of a part against the whole so it rules when it shouldn't

Which part of the soul is impacted or damaged by injustice?

Each part, whole

Which part of the soul is most at fault for injustice?


What are the three parts or "elements" in the soul?

- Rational
- Spirited
- Physical Appetites

Which part should rule and why?

- Rational because if it is wise it will desire the best for each part of the soul and the whole altogether

What is the greatest good in the soul; what is the greatest evil?

Greatest good in the soul is what unifies, viz., justice greatest evil in the soul is what divides, viz., injustice

Who/what is a philosopher?

- Is devoted to , loves and has an erotic desire for knowledge
- Meaning, what is , not merely belief or opinion
- Has wisdom to rightly know and pursue the good for the whole soul
- And has the courage not to lose a true belief through theft, magic or fo

What does the philosopher love and why?

The philosopher erotically loves every kind of learning, wisdom and truth

What are necessary desires?

- A desire that is either beneficial to me
- One that I cannot justly deny

Which part(s) of the soul has necessary desires?


What are unnecessary desires?

- A desire that is either harmful to me
- One that I can justly deny
- One that I could lead myself away from through practice

Which part(s) of the soul has unnecessary desires?


What are the three kinds of persons from Book 9 and how is this determined?

- 3 kinds of persons from Book 9 based on what each person loves which shows which part of his/her soul is ruling
- Wisdom/learning loving
- Honor/victory loving
- Money/gain loving

What is the most pleasant life and why?

The learning/wisdom loving life is most pleasant because it has the most pleasure and the truest pleasure.