Biology Macromolecule

bread, pasta, potatoes

List 3 foods that contain mostly carbohydrates


Carbohydrates are chains of what smaller organic molecule?

storage, support, quick energy

List 3 ways that living creatures use carbohydrates

starches, cellulose

Give 2 examples of carbohydrates in living organisms

glucose, fructose, galactose

List the made of 3 sugars


Most sugars end in what 3 letter?


Another name for sugar is...

simple sugars

What is meant by monosaccharides?

double sugars

What is meant by disaccharide?

three sugars

What is meant by polysaccharide?


What is the molecular formula of glucose?


Which carbohydrate do plants store for later energy use?


Which carbohydrates do animals store for later energy use?


Which carbohydrate makes up the cell walls of plants?


If you need a quick shot of energy in the next hour what should you eat?

for protein

Why do carnivores have to eat meat?

bacteria in their digestive system

If cellulose is very hard to digest, then how are herbivores able to get enough nutrition out of just eating leaves and grass?

butter, shortening, margarine

List 3 foods that contain mostly lipids


Are lipids chains of smaller molecules like carbohydrates?

long term, insulation, cushioning, cell memory

List 3 ways that living creature use lipids

phospholipids, hormones

List examples of lipids in living organisms

butter, shortening

List 2 examples of saturated fats

solid at room temperature, hydrogen boded to the carbons

List the general characteristics of saturated fat

nuts, oils

List 2 examples of unsaturated fats

liquid at room temperature, one double bonded

List the general characteristics of unsaturated fats

make up cell membrane

What structure in living organisms is made of phospholipid?

meats, nuts, beans

List 3 foods that contain mostly protein

movement, regulation, structure

List 2 ways that living creatures use proteins

insulin, antibodies, enzymes

Give 3 examples of proteins in living organisms

amino acids

Proteins are chains of what smaller organic molecule


how many different amino acids are there?

storage genetic information and transfer energy

What are the functions of nucleic acids in living organisms?


what is the building block (monomer) for nucleic acids?

sugars, phosphate, nitrogen base

What are the 3 parts of a nucleic acid monomer


Name two examples of nucleic acids in all organisms

chemical bonds

attraction that hold atoms together, resulting in compounds


substances that are made of atoms that contain 2 or more elements