EEOB 2510 Exam 1 Questions

Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are an important part of the extracellular matrix of cartilage because they

bind many water molecules

Which of the three types of cartilage contain collagen?

all three types contain collagen

The perichondrium is _______ tissue found surrounding ____________.

- dense connective tissue; elastic cartilage and some hyaline cartilage

The extracellular matrix of bone has ___________ components, including calcium that ________ synthesized by osteoblasts and osteocytes.

inorganic & organic; is not

Which of the following cells does not make collagen?


Lacunae and hydroxyapatites are features of which connective tissue(s)?


In a typical long bone, the surface of the spongy bone, the medullary cavitiy and each Haversian canal is lined with...


In hyaline cartilage, individual chondrocytes are

each surrounded by a lacuna

Osteons are found in

compact bone

All connective tissues are highly vascularized.


When long bones grow, new bone is added to

the proximal end of the diaphysis
the distal end of the diaphysis
both ends of the diaphysis

Which of these cells produces a substance needed to release minerals from bone matrix?


Which of the following is correct about elastic cartilage?

It is found in the outer ear.

All non-liquid connective tissue contains collagen


Hair and skin is softened by the secretions of

sebaceous glands

Which stratum of the epidermis is important for making the skin waterproof?

stratum granulosum

Dividing keratinocytes are found in

stratum basale

Growth of cartilage that occurs when cells just beneath the perichondrium divide is called

appositional growth

When compared to cartilage, bone is

more vascular and less compressible.

Which of the following is true about thick skin, such as that found on the palms of the hands?

Lacks arrector pili muscles

_______ are epidermal cells that function as immune cells in the skin.

Langerhans cells (dendritic)

Nerves, blood vessels, and hair roots are located in the ________ of the integument.


In hyaline cartilage, individual chondrocytes are

each surrounded by a lacuna.

Lacunae and hydroxyapatites are features of which connective tissue(s)?


The cells that do not migrate through the primitive streak in the embryonic disc form the


Which of the following correctly lists levels of organization of the body from simple to complex?

molecule, cell, organ

The formation of the neural groove is followed most closely by the formation of

the neural tube

________ are cellular attachments that anchor an epithelium to the underlying basement membrane.


Which of the following correctly describes two properties of all epithelial tissue?

Little extracellular matrix and avascular

Which organelle below is the site of mRNA translation?


This protein is the principle protein found in connective tissue.


Areolar, reticular, and adipose are three types of

loose connective tissue.