CCSP Domain 4 Cloud Application Security

Application Breakdown (3)


cloud-friendliness Assessment

Should be performed by an independent resource or function without bias or preference within the organization

API Formats (2)


Representational State Transfer (REST)

A software architecture style consisting of guidelines and best practices for creating scalable web services

Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)

A protocol specification for exchanging structured information in the implementation of web services in computer networks

REST Features (4)

Uses simple HTTP protocol
Supports many different data formats like JSON, XML, YAML, etc.
Performance and scalability are good and uses caching
Widely used

SOAP Features (4)

Uses SOAP envelope and then HTTP (or FTP/SMTP, etc.) to transfer the data
Only supports XML format
Slower performance, scalability can be complex, and caching is not possible
Used where REST is not possible, provides WS-* features

Common Pitfalls of Cloud Application Security (5)

On-Premise Does Not Always Transfer (and Vice Versa)
Not All Apps Are "Cloud-Ready"
Lack of Training and Awareness
Documentation and Guidelines (or Lack Thereof)
Complexities of Integration

Phases in SDLC process model include (5)

Planning and requirements analysis

Design Phase

Threat modeling and secure design elements should be undertaken and discussed here

Secure Operations Phase

Dynamic analysis
Vulnerability assessments and penetration testing
Activity monitoring
Layer-7 firewalls (e.g., web application firewalls)

Disposal Phase

When an application has run its course and is no longer required

Application Isolation

You must take steps to ensure that one application cannot access other applications on the platform unless it's allowed via access control

Shared technology issues

Components that were not designed to offer strong isolation properties; exist in all SIP models

Threat Modeling Goal

Determine any weaknesses in the application and the potential ingress, egress, and actors involved before it is introduced to production

STRIDE Threat Model

A system for classifying known threats according to the kinds of exploit that are used or motivation of the attacker

Threats used by STRIDE (6)

Information disclosure
Denial of service
Elevation of privilege


Attacker assumes identity of subject


Data or messages are altered by an attacker


Illegitimate denial of an event

Benefits of APIs (3)

Programmatic control and access
Integration with third-party tools

OWASP's Dependency-Check

Utility that identifies project dependencies and checks if there are any known, publicly disclosed, vulnerabilities

Secure API (2)

Logging Usage
Encryption (SSL/REST, Message-Level/SOAP)

Securing Open Source Software

Leverage standards such as ISO 27034-1


An association of organizations that come together to exchange information as appropriate about their users and resources in order to enable collaborations and transactions

Federated Identities Allow

For the generation of tokens (authentication) in one domain and the consumption of these tokens (authorization) in another domain

Federated Standards (5)

OpenID Connect

Reduced Sign-On (RSO)

Operates through some form of credential synchronization. Security concerns.

Step-Up Authentication

Challenge questions
Out-of-band authentication (a call or SMS text message to the end user)
Dynamic knowledge-based authentication (questions unique to the end user)

Cloud WAF

Can be extremely effective in the case of a denial-of-service (DoS) attack

XML Gateways

Also called:
SOA appliance
SOA gateways
Cloud brokers

API Gateway

A device that filters API traffic; it can be installed as a proxy or as a specific part of your applications stack before data is processed. Can implement access control, rate limiting, logging, metrics, and security filtering.

Goal of Application Virtualization

To be able to test applications while protecting the operating system and other applications on a particular system

Software Assurance

Development and implementation of methods and processes for ensuring that software functions as intended while mitigating the risks of vulnerabilities, malicious code, or defects that could bring harm to the end user

Functional Data

Refers to specific services you may offer that have some form of legal implication

ISO/IEC 27034-1

Defines concepts, frameworks, and processes to help organizations integrate security within their software development lifecycle

Organizational Normative Framework (ONF)

Acts as a framework for all components of application security best practices

ONF Containers (7)

Business Context
Regulatory Context
Technical Context
Application Security Control Library

Business Context

Includes all application security policies, standards, and best practices adopted by the organization

Regulatory Context

Includes all standards, laws, and regulations that affect application security

Technical Context

Includes required and available technologies that are applicable to application security


Documents the organization's IT functional requirements and the solutions that are appropriate to address these requirements


Documents the actors within an organization who are related to IT applications

Application Security Library

Contains the approved controls that are required to protect an application based on the identified threats, the context, and the targeted level of trust

Application Normative Framework (ANF)

Maintains the applicable portions of the ONF that are needed to enable a specific application to achieve a required level of security or the targeted level of trust

Application Security Management Process (ASMP)

Used to manage and maintain each ANF

ASMP Steps (5)

Specifying the application requirements and environment
Assessing application security risks
Creating and maintaining the ANF
Provisioning and operating the application
Auditing the security of the application

Static Application Security Testing (SAST)

A white-box test, where an analysis of the application source code, byte code, and binaries is performed by the application test without executing the application code. More comprehensive results than DAST

Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)

A black-box test, where the tool must discover individual execution paths in the application being analyzed. Mainly considered effective when testing exposed HTTP and HTML interfaces of web applications.

Runtime Application Self Protection (RASP)

Focus on applications that possess self-protection capabilities built into their runtime environments, which have full insight into application logic, configuration, and data and event flows. Prevents attacks by "self-protecting" or reconfiguring automati

OWASP Security Testing Catagories (9)

Identity management testing
Authentication testing
Authorization testing
Session management testing
Input validation testing
Testing for error handling
Testing for weak cryptography
Business logic testing
Client-side testing