Quizlet 1: French Greetings w/ English images-French


Hello (good day)


Hi or Bye (strictly informal)

� tout � l'heure

See you soon... within hours

Bonne journ�e

Have a good day

Bon week-end

Have a good week-end


Hello again

� bient�t

See you soon... in days or weeks

� la prochaine

Until next time


Hey (strictly informal)

Au revoir

Good bye (until we see each other again)

� plus tard

See you later

� demain

See you tomorrow

� lundi

See you Monday

�a va pas terrible

It's going terribly (literal is "not terrible, but translated as "terribly")



Je p�te la forme

I'm doing awesome (I'm in great shape/tip-top form)

�a va pas

It's not going fine

�a va mal

It's going badly

�a va tr�s mal

It's going very badly

Comment �a va?

How's it going? (remember ? mark)

�a va bien

It's going well

�a va

(It's going) fine

�a va comme ci comme �a

It's going so-so

Je suis claqu�

I'm exhausted (male speaking)

Je suis claqu�e

I'm exhausted (female speaking)

�a va super!

It's going super


Bye (Italian word)