French II: Les t�ches m�nag�res - Household chores

une t�che m�nag�re

a household chore


to sweep

d�barrasser la table

to clear the table

enlever/ faire la poussi�re

to dust

faire la vaisselle

to do the dishes

essuyer la vaisselle/ la table

to dry the dishes/ to wipe down the table

faire la lessive

to do the laundry

faire le lit

to make the bed

faire le m�nage

to do the housework/ clean the house


to wash

mettre la table

to set the table

passer l'aspirateur

to vacuum


to tidy up ; to put away

repasser (le linge)

to iron (the laundry)


to soil ; to make dirty

sortir la poubelle

to take out the trash

faire du bricolage

to do small repairs/ handyman work


clean (adj.)


dirty (adj.)