Unit 6 Test Renick

- had ideas of natural selection & "survival of the fittest"
-Applied ideas to human society believing under constant competition the best nation would win out

Charles Darwin

-was Archduke and heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary
-his assassination was the spark leading to WWI killed by a Serbian nationalist

Francis Ferdinand

-was a German emperor

Kaiser William II

- was the 1st female congress member 1916
- was a pacifist who voted against u.s. entry in both world wars

Jeannette Rankin

- was a Wall Street investment broker
-The leader of the 'war industries board' in the federal government
-oversaw coordination of industrial war production

Bernard Baruch

- was a director of the 'committee on public information
-goal to 'sell America' on the war aims and nature of the enemy

George Creel

-Helped found the 'women's peace party'
-helped found 'women's international league for peace and freedom

Jane Addams

-The leader of the socialist party in America
-sentenced to 10yrs prison under sedition act for speaking against the war

Eugene V. Debs

- was an African American community leader supporting U.S. involvement in war
-viewed war as an opportunity to show loyalty and patriotism

W.E.B DuBois

-General and commander of American forces in Europe
-creator of 'American expeditionary force'

John J Pershing

-U.S. Republican Senator
-foreign policy expert snubbed by president Wilson on trip to European peace conference
-'Reservationist' who opposed, but with modification could support, ratification of the treaty of Versailles

Henry Cabot Lodge

-President of the U.S. 1913-1921
-formerly professor and president of Princeton university
-encouraged formation of the 'league of nation'

Woodrow Wilson

-Attorney general under president Wilson
-as leading law enforcement officers used powers to arrest thousands of 'anarchists and radicals'

A Mitchell Palmer

-Italian immigrants and known anarchists
-Charged with murder and armed robbery - received the death penalty
-many argue they were victims of ethnic discrimination

Nicola Sacco & Bartolomeo Vanzetti

-President of the U.S. 1921-1923
-campaigned on a 'return to normalcy'
-opposed progressive and foreign involvements
-died while in office

Warren G. Harding


glorification of the military, investing heavily in weapons production


supplies captured from an enemy during wartime


German submarine


a British passenger ship that was sunk by a German U-boat in 1915

Zimmermann Note (1917)

telegraph written by German foreign minister zimmermann proposing an alliance between germany and mexico against the U.S

selective service act

authorizing a draft of men for military service

Committee on Public Information (CPI)

government agency created to encourage Americans to support the war

conscientious objector

moral or religious beliefs forbid him or her to fight in wars

espionage act

act enacting severe penalties for anyone engaged in disloyalty or treasonable activities

Great Migration

Movement of African Americans from the rural South to the industrial North


group of merchant ships protected by warships

fourteen points

list of terms outlined by american president woodrow wilson


the right of people to choose their own form of gov't

league of nations

world organization to promote peaceful cooperation between countries


Payment for war damages


Isolationist senators who opposed any treaty ending WWI that had a League of Nations


a group of Senators who opposed the Treaty of Versailles, to end WWI unless specific changes were included


the virus, the epidemic of 1918 that killed millions worldwide


rising prices of goods faster than rises of income

red scare

fear that communists were working to destroy the American way of life

Palmer Raids

series of raids against suspected radicals and communists

creditor nation

country that is owed more money by other countries than it owes other countries

Although officially neutral at the start of WWI, how did the war affect American society?

-Many Americans took sides.
- American business profited from trading war supplies.
-Many had relatives in Europe.
-The German invasion of neutral Britain heavily influenced American public opinion against Germany.

What factors led to the American entry into WWI?

-American were on the boat Lusitania but was sunk by German U-boats.
-Wilson began the policy of "preparedness" to ready American for war.
-The national defense act increased the size of the army.
-The naval construction act commissioned the building of a

How did the relationship change between the federal government and the American society?

The fed gov began regulating industrial and agricultural production, worked to shape public opinion, and instituted a military draft.
-Americans were affected by the war through military experiences, the production of goods, and the sharing of info (journ

Explain how the pressure to support the war caused tension and change.

-German Americans and Irish Americans largely opposed the allies.
-Some men were imprisoned for refusing to cooperate w/ the draft. Some would flee and sometimes to other countries (Canada).
-Some thought the CPI limited the right of free expression.

What new social changes resulted from the war effort?

-Women began working in male dominated roles like munitions factories, on the railroad, as telegraph operators, and trolley conductors.
-Army corps of nurses traveled overseas.
-Women gained the right to vote (19th Amendment).
-The Great migration occurre

Explain reasons why Wilson promoted a policy of "peace without victory" and list ways to do it.

-'Peace without Victory' means terms of peace based on equality and common participation would last.
-His 14 points included open diplomacy, freedom of seas, free trade, ending colonialism, reduction of armaments, self-determination, League of Nations.

How did the views of European leaders differ from Wilson?

-European leaders wanted to weaken Germany because they blamed Germany for starting the war.

How did political differences in both the American people and the federal government doom the Versailles Treaty?

-Many German Americans thought the terms were too harsh (war guilt clause).
-Irish Americans were angered because there was no self- determination for Ireland.
-(Democrat) Wilson's treaty submitted to the Republican controlled Senate, who opposed it, for

What are the 4 main causes of WWI? Explain

-Militarism: Glorification of the military, investing heavily on weapon production.
-Alliances: Agreements between countries for mutual military production.
-Imperialism: Political, military, and economic domination of strong nations over weaker territori

What was the purpose of Schenck vs. U.S?

Defining some of the limitations of free speech.

What were the anti-war groups involved in Schenck vs. U.S?

Socialist, anarchist, and peace advocates.

What were Schenck's actions?

He passes out a pamphlet and encourages people to go against the draft.

Question before the court: 13th Amendment v 1st Amendment

He said that the draft went against the 13th Amendment (involuntary servitude) and that he is exercising his 1st amendment right (free speech).

What were the two decisions of the court in Schenck vs. U.S?

1. Wartime circumstances changes the rules related
to the right of free speech.
2. "Clear and present danger" rule.