French Chapter 10

les sports


le foot


le but

the goal

le ballon

the ball

le gardien

the goalie

la joueuse

the player (f)

arr�ter le ballon

to stop the ball

bloquer le ballon

to block the ball

une �quipe

a team

une �quipe de foot a once joueurs

a soccer team has eleven players

un stade

a stadium

les gradins

the stands

un terrain

a field

les deux camps

the two sides

le camp adverse

the opposing team

un spectateur

a spectator (m)

une spectatrice

a spectator (f)

le stade est comble

the stadium is full

les gradins sont pleins

the stands are full

il y a beaucoup de monde

there are a lot of people/it is crowded

un terrain

the field


the referee


to whistle

l'arbitre siffle

the referee whistles

la t�te

the head

les pieds

the feet

passer le ballon

to pass the ball

donner un coup de pied dans le ballon

to kick the ball


to win

marquer un but

to score/to make a goal


to tie


to lose

le pass� compos�

the past tense


to have


I have

tu as

you have

il a

he has

elle a

she has

on a

we have

nous avons

we have

vous avez

you guys have

ils ont

they have (m)

elles ont

they have (f)

J'ai jou�

I have played

Tu as bloqu�

you have blocked

Il a regard�

He has watched

Nous avons pass�

we have passed

Vous avez �cout�

you guys have listened

Ils ont mang�

they have eaten (m)

J'ai fini

I have finished

Tu as choisi

You have chosen

Il a r�ussi

He has succeeded

On a r�fl�chi

We have thought about

Nous avons r�fl�chi

We have thought about

Vous avez rougi

You guys blushed

Ils ont b�ti

They have built (m)

le basket


le ballon

the ball

le panier

the basket


to shoot/to throw


to dribble

le demi-cercle

the circle on the court

le volley


le filet

the net

servir le ballon

to serve the ball

par-dessus le filet

over the net

le sol

the floor

toucher le sol

to touch the floor


to return

le joueur lance le ballon

the player (m) shoots the ball

le joueur r�ussit un beau panier

the player (m) succeeds a nice shot

la joueuse dribble le ballon

the player (f) dribbles the ball

la joueuse lance le ballon du demi-cercle

the player (f) shoots the ball from the semi-circle

le cyclisme


un coureur cycliste

a cycler

un v�lo

a bike

une bicyclette

a bike


to roll

Je roule vite

I'm going fast



une course

a race


track and field

un coureur

a runner (m)

une coureuse

a runner (f)

le gagnant

the winner

la coupe

the cup

une piste

a track

le gagnant a gagn� la coupe

the winner won the cup

le coureur cycliste roule vite

the cyclist goes fast

J'ai vendu

I have sold

Tu as r�pondu

You have responded

Il a perdu

He has lost

Nous avons vendu

We have sold

Vous avez vendu

You all have sold

Elles ont r�pondu

They (f) have responded