ALLER: Present AND Future Tenses


To go

Je vais

I am going

Tu vas

You are going

Il va

He is going

Elle va

She is going

Nous allons

We are going

Vous allez

You are going

Ils vont

They are going

Elles vont

They are going

Je vais � la charcuterie.

I am going to the delicatessen.

Tu vas � la boucherie?

Are you going to the butcher shop?

Il va � la librairie.

He is going to the bookshop.

Elle va au tabac.

She is going to the newsagent.

Nous allons � l'�cole.

We are going to school.

Allez-vous � l'�picerie?

Are you going to the grocery store?

Ils vont au supermarch�.

They are going to the supermarket.

Elles vont � la p�tisserie.

They are going to the cake shop.

Je ne vais pas au cin�ma parce que je dois faire mes devoirs.

I am not going to the movies because I have to do my homework.

Tu ne vas pas � la piscine aujourd'hui?

Are you not going to the pool today?

Il ne va pas chez les grand-parents ce soir parce qu'il va visiter ses amis.

He is not going to his grandparents' place tonight because he is going to visit his friends.

Elle ne va pas � la plage avec sa famille.

She is not going to the beach with her family.

Nous n'allons pas au lyc�e aujourd'hui parce que nous allons au mus�e avec notre classe d'histoire.

We are not going to school today because we are going to the museum with our History class.

Vous n'allez pas en ville avec votre fr�re?

Are you not going to the city with your brother?

Ils ne vont pas � la charcuterie parce que la voiture est en panne.

They are not going to the delicatessen because the car is broken down.

Elles ne vont pas au tabac parce qu'elles vont � la biblioth�que.

They are not going to the newsagent because they are going to the library.

Normalement je mange des c�r�ales.

Normally, I eat cereal.

Demain je vais manger mon hamster.

Tomorrow, I am going to eat my hamster.

Je regarde un film au cin�ma.

I am watching a film at the movies.

Je vais regarder un DVD chez moi.

I am going to watch a DVD at my place.

Il va jouer au foot au coll�ge.

He is going to play soccer at school.

Elle joue � la console avec son frere.

She is playing a video game with her brother.

Nous allons parler fran�ais.

We are going to speak French.

Je joue au foot apr�s le coll�ge.

I am playing soccer after school.

Je vais jouer au foot apr�s le coll�ge.

I am going to play soccer after school.

Tu ach�tes des livres.

You are buying some books.

Tu vas acheter des livres.

You are going to buy some books.

Nous dansons � la discoth�que.

We are dancing at the nightclub.

Nous allons danser � la discoth�que.

We are going to dance at the nightclub.

Monsieur Dubois fait un v�lo.

Mr Dubois rides a scooter.

Monsieur Dubois va faire un v�lo.

Mr Dubois is going to ride a scooter.

Ils prennent des croissants.

They are having croissants.

Ils vont prendre des croissants.

They are going to have croissants.

Mes soeurs regardent le tennis.

My sisters are watching tennis.

Mes soeurs vont regarder le tennis.

My sisters are going to watch tennis.

Je vais gagner de l'argent.

I am going to win some money.

Je vais chanter.

I am going to sing.

Nous allons partir en vacances.

We are going to leave on holidays.

Elle va danser.

She is going to dance.

Ils vont pr�parer des g�teaux.

They are going to make some cakes.

Tu vas surfer sur l'internet?

Are you going to surf on the Internet?

Il va manger un sandwich.

He is going to eat a sandwich.

Je vais �couter la musique.

I am going to listen to music.

D'habitude, vous mangez un sandwich au coll�ge, mais demain vous allez manger de la salade au parc.

Usually, you eat a sandwich at school, but tomorrow you are going to eat some salad in the park.

Normalement, tu regardes Neighbours � la t�l�, mais demain tu vas regarder les nouvelles.

Normally, you watch Neighbours on TV, but tomorrow you are going to watch the news.

D'habitude ta soeur �coute Abba, mais demain elle va �couter Rhianna.

Usually, your sister listens to Abba, but tomorrow she is going to listen to Rhianna.

D'habitude vous lisez Harry Potter, mais la semaine prochaine vous allez lire Lord of the Rings.

Usually, you read Harry Potter, but next week you are going to read Lord of the Rings.

Normalement ton fr�re joue au rugby, mais demain il va jouer au tennis.

Normally, your brother plays rugby, but tomorrow, he is going to play tennis.

Le samedi, tu fais de la natation, mais dimanche tu vas faire un v�lo.

On Saturdays, you go swimming, but on Sunday you are going to ride a scooter.

Normalement tu ach�tes des bonbons, mais cet apr�s-midi tu vas acheter de la salade.

Normally, you buy lollies, but this afternoon you are going to buy some salad.