Scriptures Articles 5, 9-13 vocabulary

Natural Revelation

The process by which God makes himself known through the natural and created order

Salvation History

the pattern of specific events in human history in which God clearly reveals his presence and saving actions

Divine Revelation

a gift accomplished by the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit through the words and deeds of salvation history

Original Sin

the sin of Adam and Eve


an agreement between human beings or between God and a human being

Sacred tradition

the process of passing on the gospel message

Apostolic Succession

the authority of the original Apostles is passed on to their successors, the bishops of the church


the living teaching office of the church

Deposit of Faith

The heritage of faith contained in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition


Teachings recognized as central to church teaching


a buying back

Paschal Mystery

the work ionof salvation accomplished by Jesus Christ, mainly through his Passion, death, Resurrection, and Ascension


the father or leader of a tribe, clan, or tradition. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were this to the Israelite people


a person God uses to speak his salvation. In the Bible, primarily a communicator of a divine message of repentance to the Chosen People, not necessarily a person who predicted the future.


God's manifestation of him in visible form to enrich human understanding of Him. An example of this is God's appearance Moses in the form of a burning bush


from the Latin word trinis meaning threefold. It refers to the central mystery of the Christian faith, that God exists as 3 distinct and interrelated divine persons; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The doctrine of this is a mystery an inaccessible through h