Sacred Scrip Ch. 4 Quiz

belief is generally what we know of knowledge about a person or thing; often intellectual. *We can have beliefs that do not affect how we live.

What are beliefs and how do they affect us?

I believe the ocean plates make earthquakes.

What is an example of a belief not affecting how we live?

a trust that moves us to act on our belief; often connected to a relationship with a person we trust.

What does Faith imply?

in trust of what we cannot see.
Ex: we trust God enough to pray, talk with God

What is faith in God based on?

Mark 9:24- "I believe, help my unbelief!"
Matthew 28:16-17--> the disciples listened to Jesus but still doubted.

Can we have faith and still have doubt? (give examples)

because each person is free to believe or not to believe in what God has revealed? *every person experiences revelation in different ways.

Why is faith a personal act?

- no one can believe alone
- holy spirit guides church to reveal gospel message
- need others to help us see God's presence in our lives (understanding Scripture, Tradition, Revelation)
- need others to teach us about God
- need support of others on our f

Why does the church say it's not possible to separate true faith from religious practice?

1) Faith is a gift of God- God reaches out, holy spirit helps us see his presence.
2) Faith is certain- even what we don't understand, we can still trust.
3) Faith seeks understanding- we grow in our faith, journey not destination
4) Faith is not opposed

What are the 7 char. of faith?


What should we to do find God?


agreement with set of ideas/facts/theories


requires trust in person or idea/fact/theory


What are Belief and Faith combined?

summary statement of beliefs

What is a creed?

- Not found in Scripture
- Dates back to early church in Rome
- Contains statements about Trinity + Church

3 facts about Apostle's Creed?

- Written end of 4th century
- Longer than Apostle's Creed
- Written in response to the conflict in church about Jesus' identity and the role of the Holy Spirit
- Includes more info. about Jesus and the Holy Spirit

4 facts about Nicene Creed?