The Outsiders Chapters~ 1-6

What happened in chapter 1?

Introduction to the characters

What happened in chapter 2?

Ponyboy, Johnny, and Dally go out and eat, and meet Cherry and Marcia at the movies

What happened in chapter 3?

Ponyboy, Johnny, Two-Bit walk Cherry and Marcia home until the the Socs, Randy and Bob, come and pick them up in their Mustang
Darry hits Ponyboy

What happened in chapter 4?

Johnny kills Bob, and they find Dally and runaway to the church on the mountain

What happened in chapter 5?

Hiding in the mountains,spending time together, reminiscing on life

What happened in chapter 6?

Dally finds them, they go out to eat, go back to the church,mother church is on fire, they save children stuck in the church, go to the hospital.

Describe Ponyboy

Main character, different, smart, tough-ish, is starting to see colors

Describe Soda

Ponyboy's brother, movie screen look'in guy, and high school dropout

Describe Darry

Ponyboy's older brother, father, caring,

Describe Johnny

Second youngest, had abusive parents

Describe Dally

Tough guy

Describe Two-Bit Matthews

Oldest of gang, jokester

Describe Steve

Soda's best friend

Describe Cherry

Soc, cheerleader,

Describe Bob

Stuck up, thinks that he's better than everyone else, natural born leader of his clique

Why does Johnny carry a switch knife?

Johnny carries a switch knife because he got jumped and it scared him for life; protection

Why does Johnny kill Bob?

Bob/ his friends was drowning Ponyboy in the pond, to save him he stabbed Bob in fright that Ponyboy might die.

Describe Ponyboy and Cherry's relationship

Ponyboy likes Cherry and Cherry likes him back, but Cherry is a Soc and Ponyboy is a greaser. Socs do not date greasers.

What roles do Soda and Darry play in the family?

Soda plays mom, acts like dad (wild, laughing; happy)
Darry plays dad, acts like mother

Why does Ponyboy run away?

Darry gets angry and hits him in the face, Ponyboy feel unwelcome.

What heroic act does Ponyboy, Johnny, and Dally do?

They save kids who got stuck in the church because the fire happened.