The Crucible


Abigail Williams


John rips confession


Girls dancing in the woods

Falling action

John and others led to execution


John Proctor


John and others saying Lord's Prayer

Rising action

All events between the girls in the woods and John's confession


The Crucible

Abigail Williams

leader of the girls; had an affair with John Proctor; niece of Rev. Parris; first girl to name a witch; tries to convince John Hale's wife of witchcraft; eventually takes her uncle's money and runs away.

John Proctor

Doesn't live in village, lives instead in the country; tries to bring reason and logic; affair with Abigail; married to Elizabeth Proctor; tries to convince the court that the girls are lying because Abigail even told him they were; rips the Governor's wa

Elizabeth Proctor

John P.'s wife; says she's forgiven him for the affair, but doesn't entirely act like she has; has never lied, but the one time she does it's in court; believes she is to blame for her husband's unfaithfulness; denies John's adultery (not knowing he'd alr

Rev. Parris

In charge of the church in the town; discovers the girls in the woods; is afraid of losing his position in the church once the events in The Crucible start to worsen; is robbed of all his money.

Betty Parris

First of two girls that wouldn't wake up after the evening in the woods; wanted to fly to her mother (died before the events in the book); Daughter of Rev. Parris.

Mary Warren

quiet, shy, respects the rules and tries to convince Abigail that if they say they were just dancing in the woods, they will only get whipped instead of being hung; makes a doll for Elizabeth in court that Abigail uses to accuse Elizabeth with.


Servant of Rev. Parris; Leads the girls in the events in the woods; from Barbados; first person named as a witch.

Ann Putnam and Thomas Putnam

Mother of second daughter that won't wake up; has lost seven of her children and this is her last child. He is accused of having his daughter accuse Jacobs of witchcraft so he can buy the property.

Ruth Putnam

Second girl who won't wake up.

Francis and Rebecca Nurse

Have very kind reputations in the town; have 26 grandchildren; Rebecca is accused of witchcraft and of killing Ann Putnam's child and is hung in the end; Francis believes he has brought trouble on his neighbors by asking them to sign a paper that said som

John Hale

Young minister from Beverly is is said to be an expert on witchcraft; in time he begins to regret coming here and believing the stories and actually tries to save the people who've been accused.

Judge Danforth

Judge brought in to weigh all the information of these accusations and to get to the bottom of them all; orders the arrest of 91 citizens; brings frequent lawsuits.

Giles Corey

claims to be a lawyer; constantly brings lawsuits; won't give the name of someone who told him a piece of evidence and the court tries to torture it out of him, but he dies in the process.

There be no blush about my name

Abigail to Rev. Parris: she's trying to prove that she has a clean reputation and isn't a witch.

She hates me...for I would not be her slave. It's a bitter woman, a lying cold, sniveling woman, and I will not work for such a woman.

Abigail to Rev. Parris: she was explaining why Elizabeth Proctor was spreading lies about her.

I think she'll wake when she tires of it.

Rebecca Nurse to a room of people: she calms Betty Parris when she began spazzing in her sleep.

I may think of you softly from time to time. But I will cut off my hand before I'll ever reach for you again.

John Proctor to Abigail Williams: They had an affair and he's telling her that he may like her, but he loves Elizabeth.

The Devil can never overcome a minister.

John Hale to Tituba: explaining that she can still have the light of God in her life.

I have not moved from there to there without I think to please you, and still an everlasting funeral marches round your heart.

John Proctor to Elizabeth Proctor: they're arguing (probably again) about his affair with Abigail.

I'll not be ordered to bed no more...I am eighteen and a woman, however single!

Mary Warren to John Proctor: supposed to be comedic relief.

I say you are pulling heaven down and raising up a *****...I say God is dead!

John Proctor to a crowd of people: He was just accused of following Satan.

Life is God's most precious gift. No principle, however glorious, can justify the taking of it.

John Hale to Elizabeth Proctor: trying to urge her to tell John Proctor to confess in order to save his life.

I think that may be the devil's argument

Elizabeth Proctor to John Hale: she doesn't think lying is right to do in this situation; he at least knows the truth and didn't have to lie just to save his life.

How can I mount the scaffold like a saint; I am not that man.

John Proctor to Elizabeth Proctor: He doesn't think he's right enough to stand up there with the accused who have stuck to the truth throughout when he has committed adultery.

I am not worthy of the dust of the feet of them you have hanged. I have given you my soul; leave me my name!

John Proctor to Judge Danforth: he's made the confession that he has committed witchcraft (even though that's a lie) and he must sign a paper that they can hang on the church door, but he can't handle having this life in his name for the rest of his life,

What is the meaning of the word "crucible" and what characters go through it?

Crucible: severe test or trial; John Proctor (he's had an affair and is living with these internal trials about whether his wife forgives him and now he's being accused by the girls that he's following satanic arts and is going through the tests and trial

What is a theocracy?

Theocracy: government system ruled by priests in the name of God or a god.

Describe the opening scene.

A group of girls go in to the woods around either dusk or dawn, could be either really, and put ingredients in to a pot and try to "conjure boys" to like them and then begin dancing. But then one girl actually drinks the contents of the pot and that's bas

Why does Reverend Parris send for Reverend Hale?

His daughter and another girl who were found by Rev. Parris in the woods won't wake up and now they believe an act of witchcraft has occurred and Rev. Hale is revered as an expert in ending witchcraft.

What does Ann Putnam claim about her dead children?

She claims her children, all but one of whom died in infancy, were murdered. She blames witchcraft and she blames her midwives.

Describe John Hale and his entrance. How do people treat him?

People treat him almost like a celebrity.

What happens when John Hale interrogates Tituba?

She goes along with Abigail's story and the other girls join in as well. However, since Tituba confessed, John Hale says he can save her and she isn't too severely punished.

Summarize your impressions of Rev. Parris. What are his principle flaws or moral weaknesses?

He's very strict, but very scared that recent events are going to get him kicked out of his position in the church.

Characters linked with authority

Rev. Parris- is high up in the church, but fears being kicked out.
John Hale- has authoritative respect
Rebecca Nurse- has respect based on kindness and faith.

What duty does Mary Warren perform in Salem?

She is now an official for the court.

What does Elizabeth Proctor report to John about the trials in Salem, and what does she urge John to do?

More and more accusations are being made; To tell the court that Abigail confessed that all they were doing was dancing in the woods and all these accusations are lies.

What gift does Mary Warren present to Elizabeth Proctor?

A doll

What ominous revelation does Mary Warren make about Elizabeth's reputation? How does this disclosure serve to make the quarrel between Elizabeth and John even more heated?

Elizabeth has been accused...she's been accused by Abigail.

What theological argument foes Hale use to explain the causes of the events in Salem?

He uses the Gospels; "Man, remember, until an hour before the Devil fell, God thought him beautiful in Heaven.

What are the judge's reaction to the deposition that lists the 91 supporters of Rebecca, Elizabeth, and Martha Corey?

Orders them to be arrested.

What does Giles Corey allege in his deposition about the behavior of Thomas Putnam? According to Corey, what are Putnam's motives?

Thomas put his daughter up to this in order to get other people's land.

What confession does Proctor make in open court? How does Danforth test the truth of this confession? What is the ironic result?

John confesses that he had an affair with Abigail and she's lying because he won't leave Elizabeth and be with her. Danforth tests this by bringing Elizabeth in because she never lies, however she didn't know the confession had already been made so she de

What device to Abigail and the other girls use to drive Mary Warren over the brink of hysteria?

Mary Warren tried to do the right thing and confess that the girls have been lying, so the girls begin to pretend that Mary's spirit is attacking them, until finally Mary can't handle it and she lies and says that John Proctor put her up to this, in hopes

Why is Parris afraid for his personal safety?

There was a knife in his door.

How does Giles Corey die?

The judges were trying to get Giles to tell them the name of who told Giles that Thomas put his daughter up to all this by using ricks to torture him, and he doesn't tell and dies instead.

For what does Elizabeth ask John to forgive her?

For not being as loving and warm over the years.

At the end or the movie, when Hale urges Elizabeth to make a last minute appeal to her husband, how does she respond?

The he's finally free from his sins and he has his goodness now.

Why do you think Abigail blames Tituba?

Abigail knows what she did was wrong and his trying to hide it, so she lies instead.

What is John Proctor's argument?

There are no witches in the world and that the girls were just dancing in the woods according to Abigail herself.

What is the purpose of getting Mary to faint?

To prove that they really were lying about the entire story.

Dramatic irony

Mary Warren makes a doll as a nice gesture for Elizabeth, but instead it was used as a tool for Abigail to use against Elizabeth.

Situational irony

John Hale holds Tituba's cheek and neck and says that the devil has her by the throat now. In trying to help her, he's forcing to lie even more.

Verbal irony

John Proctor is asked to recite the 10 commandments but couldn't remember "do not commit adultery." It's ironic because he has committed adultery.


Elizabeth vs Abigail; John Proctor vs. Society; Groups vs. Groups


tight knit; survival depends on leaders wanted to be a "city on a hill


last stand of devil, place of evil, unconverted Native American's live there (heathens).

Puritan beliefs

knowingly committing a sin can send you to hell, no matter how good of a Christian you are or try to be. If people are having problems it's because they don't have enough faith. Sin must be punished (often publicly); true born-again Christians are protect

What/who is a foil?

Character whose traits contrast each other. (Abigail & Elizabeth; Abigail & John Proctor; John Hale & Judge Danforth)