Route 66 Unit 12 Test - Lessons 52-62


to declare righteous and to put into a right relationship with God




to build up and to encourage


to bring back together and make peace in a relationship


People who were not of the Jewish race or religion



The theme of the first letter to Corinth is

unity - one body

Paul wrote letters to the Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians from

prison in Rome

The theme of the letter to the Philippians is


Paul says in Philippians that Jesus showed humility by

becoming a human with the attitude of a servant.

Who took the gospel to Colosse?


Paul write to Philemon to say

Please forgive Onesimus for running away

Titus was written to

Titus in Crete

The theme for 1st and 2nd Timothy is


Paul's statement that "the wages of sin is death" is found in


in Ephesians 6, Paul says that our real enemy is

the evil forces of Satan

Paul tells us to fight the enemy by

putting on the spiritual armor of God

One reason Paul wrote to the Corinthians was to ask their help with a special offering


Titus is a letter about standing up to false teachers by teaching sound doctrine


First and Second Timothy are letters from Timothy to Paul


Philemon was a slave who ran away from his master


Being a cheerful giver means that each person decides in his heart what he will give and then gives it voluntarily.


contains the fruit of the Spirit


contains command to set your affection on things above (think eternity!)


Includes list of characteristics that should be true of all overseers and deacons

1 and 2 Timothy

says that the focus of Paul's ministry was preaching reconciliation

2 Corinthians

written to explain and clear up misunderstandings about Christ's second coming

1 and 2 Thessalonians

says that the Gospel of Christ is God's power for salvation to all who believe


written to someone who lived on an island south of Greece


contains Paul's offer to pay back any money that was owed.


says that wives are to submit to and respect their husbands and that husbands are to love their wives as Christ loves the church


contains Paul's instructions on being orderly in worship

1st Corinthians

says that Paul's goal in life was to know Christ and become like Him


Explain what it means to be a "Lone Ranger" or "Lone Wolf" Christian and why it is contrary to Paul's teachings on the purpose of the church

Lone Wolf or Lone Ranger Christians are born again believers who quit attending church. One might do this because they have been hurt somehow by the church. This is against Paul's teachings because he taught that everyone should be united in Christ and ha

Analyze the book of Philemon and explain what it teaches us about forgiveness

The book of Philemon teaches that you should forgive everyone, no matter what they do. If someone wrongs you, you must forgive them. Just as Philemon forgave his slave when he wronged him, we must forgive others when they wrong us.