D&C Midterm Chapter 1

Section 78: Because we are "little children" the Lord expects us to receive all things . . .


Section 78: If we want to be equal in heavenly things, what must we learn to do in mortality?

be equal in earthly things

Section 82: The "bond and covenant" that Edward Partridge, Newel K. Whitney, Sidney Gilbert and others were to accept would enable them to . . .

become part of the United Order.

Section 78: One enters the Law of Consecration through first . . .

entering into a sacred covenant.

Section 82: How does one bind the Lord?

through obedience

Section 77: What does the little book eaten by John the Revelator represent?

the mission of John

Section 78: What is the consequence of breaking the covenant of consecration?

being subject to the buffetings of Satan in the spirit world

Section 83: What promise is given single mothers in the Church?

They have a claim on the Church for support.

Section 83: What happened to a widow who was not faithful to her covenants in the Law of Consecration?

She would not have fellowship in the Church, but she would retain her property from the order.

Section 79: This section is best characterized as a . . .

a mission call for Jared Carter.

Section 77: What did the eyes of the animals that John saw represent?

light and knowledge

Which statement best matches Eden Smith?

He was called as a mission companion to Stephen Burnett.

What is the main idea of Section 81?

the calling of Frederick G. Williams as a counselor to Joseph Smith

Section 82: How could one fully live the Law of Consecration today?

through tithes and other offerings

Section 77: Who are the 144,000?

faithful High Priests called to gather Israel

Section 78: Who stands next to Christ in authority over matters related to the salvation of man?


Section 81: What is the best definition of the term "keys of the kingdom?

the right of the First Presidency over the affairs of the Church

Section 77: What can be understood from John's revelation?

The universe contains a wide variety of life forms.

Section 82: How does the Lord define "equality?

It is relative to one's needs and righteous desires.

Section 81: The Keys of the Kingdom are ultimately exercised in their fullness by . . .

the President of the Church.

Who assisted Joseph most often in his translation work with the Bible?

Sidney Rigdon

What is the best title for Sec. 77?

An Explanation of John's Revelation

What did the little book John ate symbolize?

his unique mission

The angels described in the revelation are . . .

real people with defined assignments.

Which statement best characterizes Spring 1832?

period of enthusiastic new beginnings

Does the law of consecration involve just the temporal resources of the members of the Church?


Do endowed members of the Church promise to live the law of consecration?


Does the law of consecration requires that you donate all your property to the Church?


T/F:The Lord ended the law of consecration early in Church history.


T/F: The United Order and the law of consecration are the same thing.


T/F:An outcome of the law of consecration was the distribution of the wealth of the members of the Church for the establishment of Zion.


T/F:The Perpetual Education Fund is one program of the law of consecration.


Section 81: The Keys of the Kingdom are ultimately exercised in their fullness by . . .

the President of the Church.

Section 78: Which statement best defines the term, "United Firm?

a corporation that lived the Law of Consecration to help meet the financial needs of the Church

Section 82: The phrase "much is given, much is required" implies that . . .

those who have much are expected to share with those in need.

Section 82: Under the Law of Consecration, how does one best "seek the interest of his neighbor?

by scaling down one's lifestyle in order to give to those in need

Section 78: What comfort is found in being referred to as a "little child?

An understanding of God's patience and help is clear.

Section 79: What was Jared Carter specifically told to do when he went on a mission to the eastern countries?

He was to go in the power of his ordination.

What was included in the first storehouse?

the Whitney store and several other Kirtland businesses

Which statement best describes the storehouse required by the Lord?

all the resources possessed by the members of the Church that can be used to bless those in need

Why does the Lord require equality in temporal things?

It is linked to spiritual blessings.

Who was John Johnson?

a farmer who gave Joseph a place to live and work

John Johnson aided the prophet by . . .

offering him the small bedroom in his home.

Jesse Gause was released from the First Presidency because . . .

he left his calling and was never heard from again.

The term "keys of the kingdom" refers to:

the unique authority of the president of the Church.

What is the new commandment mentioned in this revelation?

the law of consecration

What is the historical context for the Lord reminding the Saints that where much is given, much is expected?

There were difficulties between the leaders of the Church in Kirtland and those in Missouri.

How does one bind oneself before the Lord?

by making a covenant

What buildings are now located on the Temple Lot in Independence, Missouri?

RLDS temple, RLDS auditorium, LDS Visitor's center

The actual site dedicated by Joseph for the temple is owned by . . .

the Hedrickite Church

What should characterize the wants of a person living the law of consecration?

they are just