Missio Dei midterm

A mission is a ___________ set of activities that are used to _____ a specific ____

coordinated, reach, goal

The mission of God is the ____________ of the gospel in the _____ of the ______ to all _______ of the world

proclamation, power, Spirit, nations

Made in the image of God means we are capable of _______ him.


Made in the image of God means we are capable of ____________ God. We are God's ________.

Representing, children

God wants us to serve him _________.


Why did God ask the question, "Where are you?

To give them chance to repent and confess that they have sinned.

Tower of Babel represents a monument to human _________ and _____.

Rebellion, Pride

What is the "fiery center" of the Word of God?

all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.

A priest's ministry involves 2 kinds of speaking: speaking to the ______ for ___ and speaking to ___ for the ______.

People, God, God, people

Kingdom involves _________ rule (moral right), and _____ to rule (actual ability), and _____ of rule (area of effective control)

Authority, power, scope

Joshua's 3 Principles to Obey God's Mission. List the 3 Principles:

1. God's manifest presence
2. the blessing of the nations
3. Allocate the kingdom tasks to God's people

God made it very clear that the promise to bless all _______ given to _______ would be fulfilled through a ________ that lasts forever (given to David).

Nations, Abraham, covenant

Even in intense suffering Job never stopped ________ in God.


Life in the kingdom has an ___________ focus towards the ____________________ that God_____________.

outward, nations, loves

The ________________ were enforcement ____________ of the covenant and _______________________ of the Missio Dei.

prophets, agents, servants

Salvation is sometimes referred to as God's ____________________ for the _________.

Light, nations

Nations would be _________ and ______________ so they could worship the one who is worthy - ________________________________

saved and discipled, King Jesus

Joel's Pentecostal prophecy links Pentecost to the ________________.


The power behind the new covenant would be the ______________________ of the Holy Spirit outpoured on _____________ people.

power, all

The lesson of Jonah is that we must care for the ____________________, even if they are our _____________________.

Lost, enemies

Matthew links the story of _______________ to the entire plan of the Mission of God that was told in the __________________________________.

Jesus, Old Testament

What are Jesus' credentials: 1] Son of _____ and 2] Son of _______

David, Abraham

Purpose of the parables is to cause the hearers to think about the twin themes of ________ and _______

Kingdoms, nations

John 3:16 teaches 1] God loves the _____ 2] God ____ His Son into the _____ 3] if people of the world do not believe in God's son, they are _________.

World, sent, world, condemned

Jesus' ________________ with the Samaritan woman is a ________________ of His _________________ for lost people of the world.

Interaction, model, burden

Jesus focused on His ________________ to ________ the world.

Mission, save

A ________________________ is a strategic task that a leader assigns his ______________________ to complete.

commission, representatives

The Great Commission is more than making converts, it requires ______________________.


The Book of Acts shows how the _______________ moving through God's commissioned _____________________ as they obey the calling of God.

Holy Spirit, representatives

Peter recognized that at Pentecost God had begun the ___________________ that would help bring in the _____________.

Outpouring, harvest

The result of supernatural preaching is the miracle of spiritual ______________


The NT epistles are ___________ from the living laboratory of _______________________ church ________________________.

Memos, missionary, planting

Paul had an ongoing ministry of ________________ new leaders he left behind in new church plants.


A missionary is someone who is _______ from their home church to __________ a culture barrier to ____________ new churches, and to __________________ the converts, workers, and leaders.

Sent, cross, plant, disciple

The story of the Missio Dei in the early church does not have a clear____________. God's mission is still _____________.

Ending, going on.

God's ___________________ is what will make heaven great.


The biblical theology of missions ___________ that the theme of the entire Bible concerns the ___________.

Teaches, nations.

When Jesus is revealed as the ________ that was slain, the elders praise and their praise reveals that the _____________ of Christ's _____________________ was to bless all nations.

Lamb, purpose, suffering

According to Dr. Louis Talbot, there are only 4 things which are eternal. What are they?

A. Eternal God
B. Eternal Son
C. Eternal Spirit
D. Eternal Purpose

God, Himself, will be living on the earth among His people as a Benevolent


A mission is a ___________ set of activities that are used to _____ a specific ____

coordinated, reach, goal

The mission of God is the ____________ of the gospel in the _____ of the ______ to all _______ of the world

proclamation, power, Spirit, nations

Made in the image of God means we are capable of _______ him.


Made in the image of God means we are capable of ____________ God. We are God's ________.

Representing, children

God wants us to serve him _________.


Why did God ask the question, "Where are you?

To give them chance to repent and confess that they have sinned.

Tower of Babel represents a monument to human _________ and _____.

Rebellion, Pride

What is the "fiery center" of the Word of God?

all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.

A priest's ministry involves 2 kinds of speaking: speaking to the ______ for ___ and speaking to ___ for the ______.

People, God, God, people

Kingdom involves _________ rule (moral right), and _____ to rule (actual ability), and _____ of rule (area of effective control)

Authority, power, scope

Joshua's 3 Principles to Obey God's Mission. List the 3 Principles:

1. God's manifest presence
2. the blessing of the nations
3. Allocate the kingdom tasks to God's people

God made it very clear that the promise to bless all _______ given to _______ would be fulfilled through a ________ that lasts forever (given to David).

Nations, Abraham, covenant

Even in intense suffering Job never stopped ________ in God.


Life in the kingdom has an ___________ focus towards the ____________________ that God_____________.

outward, nations, loves

The ________________ were enforcement ____________ of the covenant and _______________________ of the Missio Dei.

prophets, agents, servants

Salvation is sometimes referred to as God's ____________________ for the _________.

Light, nations

Nations would be _________ and ______________ so they could worship the one who is worthy - ________________________________

saved and discipled, King Jesus

Joel's Pentecostal prophecy links Pentecost to the ________________.


The power behind the new covenant would be the ______________________ of the Holy Spirit outpoured on _____________ people.

power, all

The lesson of Jonah is that we must care for the ____________________, even if they are our _____________________.

Lost, enemies

Matthew links the story of _______________ to the entire plan of the Mission of God that was told in the __________________________________.

Jesus, Old Testament

What are Jesus' credentials: 1] Son of _____ and 2] Son of _______

David, Abraham

Purpose of the parables is to cause the hearers to think about the twin themes of ________ and _______

Kingdoms, nations

John 3:16 teaches 1] God loves the _____ 2] God ____ His Son into the _____ 3] if people of the world do not believe in God's son, they are _________.

World, sent, world, condemned

Jesus' ________________ with the Samaritan woman is a ________________ of His _________________ for lost people of the world.

Interaction, model, burden

Jesus focused on His ________________ to ________ the world.

Mission, save

A ________________________ is a strategic task that a leader assigns his ______________________ to complete.

commission, representatives

The Great Commission is more than making converts, it requires ______________________.


The Book of Acts shows how the _______________ moving through God's commissioned _____________________ as they obey the calling of God.

Holy Spirit, representatives

Peter recognized that at Pentecost God had begun the ___________________ that would help bring in the _____________.

Outpouring, harvest

The result of supernatural preaching is the miracle of spiritual ______________


The NT epistles are ___________ from the living laboratory of _______________________ church ________________________.

Memos, missionary, planting

Paul had an ongoing ministry of ________________ new leaders he left behind in new church plants.


A missionary is someone who is _______ from their home church to __________ a culture barrier to ____________ new churches, and to __________________ the converts, workers, and leaders.

Sent, cross, plant, disciple

The story of the Missio Dei in the early church does not have a clear____________. God's mission is still _____________.

Ending, going on.

God's ___________________ is what will make heaven great.


The biblical theology of missions ___________ that the theme of the entire Bible concerns the ___________.

Teaches, nations.

When Jesus is revealed as the ________ that was slain, the elders praise and their praise reveals that the _____________ of Christ's _____________________ was to bless all nations.

Lamb, purpose, suffering

According to Dr. Louis Talbot, there are only 4 things which are eternal. What are they?

A. Eternal God
B. Eternal Son
C. Eternal Spirit
D. Eternal Purpose

God, Himself, will be living on the earth among His people as a Benevolent
