RELA 211 Lesson 5

Never man spake like this man" was said by

the officers who had been hired to take Jesus

What is the best way to understand how the Church interprets certain Bible passages about divorce and remarriage?

Observe Church practices and follow our leaders.

Jesus said, "Let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth" to explain that a person should

give alms in secret without publicity and fanfare

Jesus preached the Sermon on the Mount to

his disciples only

Jesus came to fulfill the law of Moses in the sense that he came to

fulfill the prophecies of the Law concerning himself

Which is (are) true about concepts such as "salt of the earth," "light of the world," and "take no thought for tomorrow, what ye shall eat," etc.? Select all that apply.

none of these

When Jesus referred to the Saints as the "salt of the earth," to which of the following ideas did he probably not have reference?

bitter element

In the Sermon on the Mount, what counsel did Jesus give about fasting?

Be inconspicuous while fasting.

In the Sermon on the Mount, what counsel did Jesus give about prayer?

Pray in secret, without vain repetition.

The Beatitudes are

presented in a special sequence

During the period shortly after his calling of the Twelve, Jesus' main emphasis seems to have been to

train the Twelve

T/F If we do not forgive others when they ask our forgiveness, our Father in Heaven will not forgive us, either.


Harold B. Lee said that the Beatitudes

embody the constitution for a perfect life

As Jesus concluded his Sermon on the Mount, he taught that the "wise man" whose life is built on the immovable rock is the one who

hears and does what Jesus teaches