Bisc 130 exam 5 stake (

T/F: populations are groups of individuals of the same species living together in different geographic areas

False; populations live in the same geographic areas

T/F: over time, natural selection leads to adaptation as advantageous traits become less common in the population

False; they become more common

T/F: evolution is defined as a change in the allele frequency of a population over time


T/F: genetic diversity is reflected by the number of different alleles in a population's gene pool


T/F: individuals with different phenotypes will have similar abilities to survive and reproduce in a population

False; different abilities

True or False: Acclimations are learned actions. They are not born with it.



can be advantageous, neutral, or disadvantageous

genetic drift...

change in the allele frequencies due to random chance

gene flow...

movement of alleles from one population to another

bottleneck effect...

magnification of genetic drift as a result of catastrophes or natural events

founder effect...

occurs when groups leave population and establish new ones

which of the following does not influence allele frequencies in a population

all of the above influences in a population

all of following are true of evolution, except

individuals adapt their genes to improve survival

which is necessary for natural selection to proceed

all of the above

natural selection causes

changes in allele frequencies within a population

all of the following are true of natural selection, except

it works best in genetically uniform populations

which of the following can influence the evolution of a species

all of the above

which of the following best describes evolution

it is the change in heritable traits in living populations over successive generations

The primary pressure on species to change over time is what

natural selection

The development of evolutionary theory is credited to Charles Darwin and _________

Alfred Wallace

which of the following would represent a situation that reduces the effect of genetic drift

the population is very large

allopatric speciation

more likely to have evolved substantial differences leading to speciation; physically separated

sympatric speciation

one species splits into two at a single locality, without the two new species ever having been geographically separated

Sympatric species occur together in an area

-are distinctive entities
-are phenotypically different
-utilize different parts of the habitat
-behave separately

punctuated equilibrium

-long periods of stasis followed by rapid change
-stabilizing and oscillating selection is responsible for stasis


Study of the geographic distribution of species


-accumulation of small changes,
-standard view for a long time

ecological isolation

-tiglons do not occur in the wild
-lions and tiger . ranges overlap in india but they use different habitats

mechanical isolation

structure of the male and female copulatory organs may be incompatible

temporal isolation

-2 species of wild lettuce grow along roadsides in the SE U.S.
-Hybrids can be made experimentally and are fertile
-rare in nature because one flowers in early spring and the other in summer

Behavioral isolation

blue-footed boobies select mates after an elaborate courtship display

gametic isolation

egg and sperm from different species may not attract or fuse; prevention of gamete fusion

Natural selection is a process

Only one of several processes that can result in evolution

diversifying selection (disruptive selection)

Natural selection that favors extreme over intermediate phenotypes; eliminates intermediate

directional selection

occurs when natural selection favors one of the extreme variations of a trait; eliminates one extreme

stabilizing selection

Natural selection that favors intermediate variants by acting against extreme phenotypes; eliminates extremes


Individuals with one phenotype leave more surviving offspring in the next generation than individuals with an alternative phenotype


Ability of an organism to survive and reproduce in its environment

A gene pool is the __________ information in a population.

total genetic

Which of the following are causes of variations?

mutations, environmental factors, genetic recombination, random pairing of gametes

Genetic variation

-Differences in alleles of genes found within individuals in a population
-Raw material for natural selection


-How an entity changes through time
-Development of modern concept traced to Darwin

Population genetics

-Study of properties of genes in a population
-Evolution results in a change in the genetic composition of a population

Polymorphic variation

More than one allele at frequencies greater than mutation alone


Used to assess patterns in human and natural populations


Some individuals leave behind more progeny than others, and the rate at which they do so is affected by phenotype and behavior

Frequency-dependent selection

Fitness of a phenotype depends on its frequency within the population

Oscillating selection

Selection favors one phenotype at one time and another phenotype at another time

Artificial Selection

changes initiated by humans

Agricultural selection

Differences have resulted from generations of human selection for desirable traits, such as greater milk production and larger corn ear size

Homologous structures

Structures with different appearances and functions that all derived from the same body part in a common ancestor


some organisms do not appear perfectly adapted

Convergent evolution

Similar forms having evolved in different, isolated areas because of similar selective pressures in similar environments


within a single species, individuals in populations that occur in different areas may be distinct from one another

reproductive isolation

do not mate each other or do not produce fertile offspring

Gene exchange

the biological species concept focuses on the ability to exchange genes

prezygotic isolating mechanisms

mechanisms that prevent formation of a zygote

post-zygotic isolating mechanisms

mechanisms that prevent development into an adult

distinctions among species are maintained by

natural selection

stabilizing selection maintains the

species adaptations

hybrids are quickly eliminated from

gene pool


one ancestral species becomes divided into two descendant species

speciation is a 2-part process

-initially identical populations must diverge
-reproductive isolation must evolve to maintain these differences

2 ways polyploidy occurs

autoploidy and allopolyploidy

adaptive radiations

closely related species that have recently evolved from a common ancestor by adapting to different parts of the environment