Quiz 2

Glucose is a:


Fats, oils, and waxes are_________ and one of their properties is that they are ___________________.

lipids, not water soluable

Protiens are made up of ____________ and contain the chemical element ____________ which carbohydrates and lipids do not.

amino acids, nitrogen

____________ catalyze metabolic reactions and thus control many cellular functions.


Pieces of DNA that SPECIFY the order of amino acids in a protien are called:


The main ingredient/building block of plant fibers is:_____________ which is indigestible by most animals (it's wood).


What is the "helper molecule" that cells use to help translate DNA codes into proteins.?


Algaes may help slow global warming because they conduct which of these as a metabolic process?

carbon fixation

H2O + CO2 with sunlight is the process of:_______ which produces glucose.


Some organisms like bacteria do not use oxygen (in fact oxygen is poisonous to them)thus they perform which of these processes?

anaerobic respiration

The primary nutrients cited in Table 3.3 on pg 58 are:

phosphates, nitrates, and silicate

An example of a prokaryotic cell would be:


Plant and animal cells are classified as _______________ cells because they have a true nucleus.


The process of respiration occurs in which of these sub-cellular organelles of eukaryotic cells?


Which of the following cellular structures do plant cells have that animal cells do not?

both a and d - cell wall and chloroplasts

There is an entire class of plankton with multiple small hair-like projections on the outside of a cell which are called: See pg 78 in the text.


Selectively permeable means that a cell:

can control what goes in and out of it

The diffusion of water across a cell membrane is called:


If a cell needs to "pump" materials in or out of itself particularly against a concentration gradient it must utilize:__________ and thus expend energy.

active transport

All prokaryotes and some eukaryotes especially the phytoplankton are: Hint: thus they are microscopic.
