Cell Division

Each centrosome contains two


The spindle apparatus originates from the

Microtubule organizing centers (MOC)

Centromeres hold two sister ____ together.


How does cytokinesis differ between plant and animal cells?

Plant cells are cemented together by a middle lamella; animals cells wholly seperate

A cleavage furrow forms and eventually pinches so two physically separate cells form, in an

animal cell

Vesicles from Golgi bodies migrate and fuse to form a cell plate in

plant cells

In ___ cells, actin and myosin microfilaments shorten to tighten the cleavage furrow and eventually form to separate cells

Animal cells

Animal cells have ____, while plant cells do not


At which stage of cell division do sister chromatids separate?

Anaphase of Mitosis

Metaphase is when the genetic material lines up at the

Middle of the cell

Anaphase is when the genetic material are

pulled away from each other to opposite sides of the cell

Sister chromatids are joined to each other by a


In anaphase 1 of meiosis, _____ separate


The separation of sister chromatids for meiosis happens in

anaphase 2

Mitosis takes a single diploid cell and produces

two identical diploid cells

Mitosis occurs in

somatic cells

Meiosis takes a single diploid cell and produces

four genetically unique haploid cells

Where will a cell spend most of its time within the cell cycle?


At what point of the cell cycle does DNA replication occur?


The G1 phase is the stage where the cell

increases in size

The S phase is the stage where

DNA synthesis (replication) occurs

The G2 phase is the stage where the cell grows and

prepares for cellular division.

In a somatic cell, what is true about the state of DNA at the end of interphase versus at the end of cytokinesis?

Both will be diploid, containing the same number of chromosomes

What is a functional limitation that will encourage cell division?

A very large cell volume

When conditions are not favorable for cell growth and division, the cell goes in to

G0 phase

What is a process that is used in the regulation of the cell cycle?

Cell division is inhibited if there is a high cell density in the surroundings

Genetic variation of gametes is increased during which of the following stages of cell division?

Prophase 1 of Meiosis

Mitosis does not exhibit ______ and does not produce ______.

Mitosis does not exhibit genetic variation and does not produce gametes.

Meiosis 1 is where tetrads form and


During Meiosis, crossing over results in

genetic variation in gametes.