Chapter 7 Biology Mrs. Oreily

Lynn Margulis

A female scientist who proposed that Eukaryotic cells arose as a combination of different prokaryotic cells. How they become different is the basis of what is called the endosymbiont hypothesis.

Robert Hooke

He discovered cells. He discovered them using a compound microscope.

Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

He invented the microscope and is the father of microbiology.

Cell membrane

A cell structure that controls which substances can enter or leave the cell.

What is located in the cell membrane?

Proteins, carbs and the lipid bilayer.

Hydrophilic head

water loving


Water fearing

Lipid bilayer

a double layered pattern formed by phospholipids in water; the principle component of the cell membrane.


organisms made up of cells that contain nuclei. can range from singed celled organisms to organisms made of trillions of cells.


organisms that do not have nuclei. small single celled organisms. Ex. bacteria

compound light microscope

-has more than one lens
-most can magnify an image up to 100 times
-useful for studying cells and small organisms

electron microscope

uses beams of electrons, rather than light, to produce images

Scanning Probe Microscope

provides a maximum magnification of 10,000,000


Basic unit of life

what is the difference between plant and animal cells?

the plant cell has a chloroplast and cell wall while a animal cell has neither.

passive transport

the movement of substances across a cell membrane without the use of energy by the cell

active transport

Energy-requiring process that moves material across a cell membrane against a concentration difference

what consists of passive transport?

-facilitated diffusion

what consists of active transport?

-sodium/potassium ion exchange pump


Movement of molecules from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration.


diffusion of water


This happens when a cell shrinks inside its cell wall while the cell wall remains intact.


process by which a cell takes material into the cell by infolding of the cell membrane


How liquids get into a cell


how solids get into a cell


how things get out of the cell

sodium-potassion ion exchange pump

In a single cycle of the pump, three sodium ions are extruded from and two potassium ions are imported into the cell.

facilitated diffusion

substances cross the cell membrane through, special channels in proteins.


small structures within the cytoplasm that perform specialized functions within the cell.


the largest most prominent organelle in the cell. the nucleus contains nearly all of a cells DNA.


Nucleic acid out of which genes are made.


the bearers of hereditary traits from parent to offspring

nuclear envelope

double membrane of the cell nucleus, contains nuclear poles which allow material to move into or out of the nucleus.


Substance found in eukaryotic chromosomes that consists of DNA tightly coiled around histones


structure in the nucleus of a cell that contains DNA bound to a protein


produces ribosomes


the portion of the cell outside the nucleus


small, circular organelles that live in the cytoplams proteins to be used in the cell in activities such as celluar respiration.

endoplasmic reticulum

the processor that transports proteins and other macro molecules in the cell

golgi apparatus

are in the cell where proteins are modified, packaged or shipped to locations throughout the cell or outside of the cell.


sac like membrane filled with chemicals and enzymes that can break down almost any substance within the cell.


sac like structure in a cell that stores materials(such as proteins,fats and carbs in animal cells;and water and dissolved salts in plant cells)


a network of fibers extending throughout the cytoplasm. framework


harvests that energy of sunlight. found only in plant cells and certain types of algae.


produces energy from chemical fuel. 2nd largest cell. powerhouse of the cell


the part of a chromosome that links sister chromatin


small structure in animal cells that help to organize moicrotubules.

semi permeable

membranes that allow some substances through but not others