

The form of energy that cells can use to do work.


The molecule that is produced when ATP is used to do cellular work

Between 2nd and 3rd phosphate group

Where is the energy found in the ATP molecule?

Cellular respiration

In which process is the energy found in glucose used to produce ATP?

A 3rd phosphate is added to ADP

How is ADP recharged back into ATP?

From breakdown of glucose during cellular respiration

Where does the energy come from to make the bond between the second and third phosphate in ATP?


Where does cellular respiration take place in eukaryotic cells?


How many ATP molecules can be produced from one glucose molecule during cellular respiration?

CO2 and H2O

Besides producing ATP from the breakdown of glucose, what are the two chemicals that are produced during cellular respiration?


Which reaction is shown?


Where does photosynthesis take place in plants and algae?

CO2 and H2O

What are the two reactants (chemicals needed) in photosynthesis?


What energy conversion takes place during photosynthesis?
Light to ___________________ energy in glucose

Glucose and oxygen

What are the two products of photosynthesis?


The glucose made during photosynthesis is used to produce ________ during cellular respiration.

photosynthesis, cellular respiration

The bonds in glucose are formed during __________________, and broken during _____________________.

Plant cell

Which types of cells (plant or animal) have both chloroplasts and mitochondria?

Glucose and oxygen

What two reactants are needed for cellular respiration?


What substance's primary function is to absorb sunlight during photosynthesis?

Glucose (chemical energy) -> ATP (chemical energy)

What energy conversion takes place during cellular respiration?


How are photosynthesis and cellular respiration related?
The products of photosynthesis are the ______________________ for cellular respiration.

Cellular respiration

Which process (photosynthesis or cellular respiration) occurs in both plant and animal cells?

photosynthesis, cellular respiration

Plant cells produce glucose during ___________________, and use glucose to make ATP during ________________________.


What process?
Light --> Chemical energy in glucose

Cellular respiration

What process?
Chemical energy in glucose --> chemical energy in ATP

releases (produces), uses (requires)

Photosynthesis _______________ oxygen, and cellular respiration _____________ oxygen.

It can be used over again

Why is ADP like a re-chargeable battery?

Chloroplasts, mitochondria

___________________ (organelle) are the site of photosynthesis, and ______________________ are the site of cellular respiration