
which scientist first observed living cells with a simple light microscope?

Anton Van Leeuwenhoek

Which organelle contains digesting enzymes to help break down organic molecules?


Which organelle is used to store, modify and package proteins that will be excreted from the cell?

golgi apparatus

a specialized subunit within a cel that has a specific function


organisms whose cells do not have a nucleus are called?


a think later that separates various cellular structures or organelles


the structural and functional unit of all known living organisms is the _____________


plant cells and animal cells are similar in many ways but only plant cells have a __________ which takes up the majority of the space in the center of the cell.

central vacuole

which organelle contains enzymes that neutralize toxic substances?


which organelle is responsible for producing proteins that will be secreted from the cell?

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

true or false: The cell theory says... 1. all cells come from pre-existing cells 2. cells are the basic unit of life 3. all organisms are made up of one or more cells


this cell part stores food, water and minerals


this cell part can be rough or smooth. it is the transport system of the cell.

endoplasmic reticulum (ER)

It is the sight of the protein synthesis


this cell part has digestive enzymes


which of the following cell parts are found in BOTH animal and plant cells?

Mitochondria and cell membrane

This cell part protects and supports the plant cell

cell wall

one of the smallest organelles found in both plant and animals is used in forming proteins from the information stored in nucleic acids. These small cell parts are found attached to the rough ER. They are also called __________


which organelle stores nutrient and pigment molecules in plant cells?


This cell part is semi-permeable. It is found in plant and animal cells. In animal cells it lets materials in and out of the cell and provides support for the cell

cell membrane

Which cell structure controls the transport of materials into and out of the cell?

Cell Membrane

Allows only certain molecules to pass through it

semi-permeable membrane

Substances that allow some items to pass but not others is known as ....

semi permeable

Phospholipids in a cell membrane that have more carbon double bonds tend to make the membrane more _______________________

repulsive to water

which of the following are the two parts of a phospholipid?

non polar tails, polar heads

The movement of molecules from a place of higher concentration to a place of lower concentration (may or may not be through a membrane)

passive transport

The process by which a portion of the cell membrane engulfs and takes in a small droplet of liquid material.


a process that requires the addition of energy

active transport

transports materials across a membrane from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration of that material with the help of a carrier protein

Facilitated diffusion

What organic molecules are the plant cell wall made from?


This cell part can be rough or smooth. It is the transport system of the cell.

Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)

This cell part protects and supports the plant cell.

Cell Wall

one of the smallest organelles found in both plants and animals is used in forming proteins form the information stored in nucleic acids. These small cell parts are found attached to the rough ER. They are called....


Considering Osmosis, what would happen to a salt water fish if it was placed in a tank containing fresh water?

the cells of the fish will gain water

An animal cell has reached equilibrium with the solution on the outside, what happens to the water molecules?

they move both into and out the cell equally

During which phase of the cell cycle does the cell grow to reach normal size?

G1 phase

During which phase of mitosis do sister chromosomes get separated from each other?


during which phase of mitosis do the chromosomes become visible as they form from chromatin?


when a cell divides, what name is given to cells it creates

daughter cells

The S phase stands for Synthesis. What is being synthesized during this phase of the cell cycle?


What is the purpose of the spindle fibers during mitosis (Anaphase)?

to guide the separation of sister chromatids

Which of the following cell types can be up to a meter long in the human body?


Given the function of a pancreas cell is to excrete Insulin. We would expect the cell to have a large amount of which organelle?

golgi apparatus

given the function that a white blood cell is to break down foreign invaders in the body like bacteria, we would expect the cell to have which type of organelle to aid in its job?


why do muscle cells have more mitochondria than other cell types?

they need to have flexible membranes

What is separated during cytosis?

the cell

The shape of a red blood cell helps the cell perform its function because the shape allows for _______________

more surface area