Cell Growth and Development


longest part of the cell cycle;
during DNA replication, appear as
coils or chromatin


mitosis begins
; the nucleolus fades and chromatin condenses into chromosomes; the nuclear membrane breaks down so there is no longer a recognizable nucleus; spindle fibers form


chromosomes line up in
of cell


chromatids separate
and are moved to opposite poles of the cell by the shortening spindle fibers


nuclear membranes form around the identical sets of chromosomes; the chromosomes uncoil; nucleoli appear in the two new nuclei; cytokinesis begins, splitting the cytoplasm and separating the two daughter cells

cytokinesis in animal cells

cell is pinched in two, creating two identical daughter cells


spindle fibers attach
during mitosis and meiosis


cell division when nucleus divides into two nuclei containing the
same number
of chromosomes ending in
2 genetically identical cells

spindle fibers

special strands of microtubules which grow out of the centrioles, connect to chromosomes at the centromeres and pull them apart during mitosis

sister chromatids

two identical strands of the same chromosomes


where the microtubules of the spindle originate during mitosis in both plant and animal cells.

cytokinesis in plant cells

cell plate
grows outward until its membrane fuses with the cell membrane, separating the two daughter cells

G1 phase

the first gap or growth phase of the cell cycle; cell increases in size, organelles are replicated, cell carries out normal functions

Synthesis (S) phase

portion of interphase during which DNA is replicated

G2 phase

the second gap or growth phase of the cell cycle; occurs after DNA synthesis

G0 phase

Gap 0; a non-dividing state occupied by cells that have left the cell cycle, sometimes reversibly.

cell cycle

an ordered sequence of events in the life of a cell


points in the eukaryotic cell cycle that ensure the cell is ready to proceed before it moves on the to next phase of the cycle; occur in G1, S, and during metaphase

regulatory proteins

control the cell cycle by signaling the cell to either start or delay the next phase of the cycle


the process by which a cell becomes specialized in order to perform a specific function


programmed cell death


disorganized clump of cancer cells that do not carry out the functions needed by the body


uncontrolled cell division of abnormal cells

growth factors

factors that stimulate the cell to divide

stem cell

an undifferentiated cell that has the ability to become a wide variety of specialized cells