Biology EOC Practice 4/16/18

The gopher snake uses its glottis to produce a hiss that sounds similar to a rattlesnake's rattle. What is the most likely reason a gopher snake would do this? (ecology)

to confuse predators

A population of salamanders that live in a river require clear, fresh water to survive. A flood causes tons of sediment to be suspended in the river. Which of these most likely will happen to the salamander population? (ecology)

The salamanders will decrease in number because of the water quality.

The following is a food chain, Grass->Grasshopper->Snake->Coyote. A reduction in which of these would lead to a decrease in all the other populations in the food chain? (ecology)


Which of these best explains the difference between the way animals and plants exchange gases with their environments? (cellular energy)

Animals use only respiration, while plants use both photosynthesis and respiration.

What is the main function of a selectively permeable cell membrane? (cell structure and function)

regulates what enters and leaves the cell

The papaya mealybug is a pest that poses a threat to many tropical plants. Which fate of the mealybug would result from the inability of the species to reproduce? (genetics)

The species would become extinct.

In a certain insect, round wings (R) are dominant to pointed wings (r). Which cross will produce the greatest number of genotypic and phenotypic variations? (genetics)


Polar bears swim across large expanses of ocean while hunting for seals, their main source of food. The bears use sea ice as resting spots during their long swims. However, the sea ice is rapidly melting as a result of global warming. Which statement desc

Polar bear populations will decrease, and seal populations will increase.

A strand of DNA is exposed to intense heat. Which of these best describes what will happen to the strand of DNA? (genetics)

The chemical bonds of the DNA molecule will be broken.

Which structure is primarily responsible for directing all processes of a plant cell? (cell structure and function)


The loss of habitat in a forest region has caused some plant species to become extinct, while others survive. The process by which some plant species survive and others do not in a changing environment is best explained by _____________. (evolution)

natural selection

What is the role of hydrogen bonds in the structure of DNA? (genetics)

connect the base pairs

Which process allows for an organism to increase the number of body cells during development? (cell growth and development)


A forest fire destroys the majority of the trees in a state park. Which effect will this most likely have on secondary consumers in that ecosystem? (ecology)

The amount of available energy will decrease because fewer primary consumers will survive the lack of vegetation.

The loulu tree in Hawaii reproduces by a seed encased in a fruit. Non-native species, such as pigs and rats, eat the fruit as a regular part of their diet, drastically reducing the regeneration rate of the loulu. What most likely would be the outcome for

They would become extinct.

Which of these would lead to a lower rate of photosynthesis in a plant? (cell energy)

a decrease in the amount of carbon dioxide in the air

What is the result of the fertilization of an egg? (genetics)

It restores the diploid number of chromosomes.

Which of these best describes the initial change caused by a DNA mutation? (genetics)

a change in the sequence of base pairs

A new species of snake was introduced to a tropical region. Scientists then noticed a steady decline in the presence of field mice and an increase in the number of snakes. Which of these is the most likely explanation about why the population size of each

The mice became prey to the introduced snakes, allowing the snake population to increase but decreasing the mice population.

Which statement best describes an advantage of asexual reproduction for a population of organisms? (genetics)

The population can increase in number more rapidly.

The following cell structures are located within cells that make proteins. Which description best explains the relationship among these cell structures in making a protein? (genetics) (� nucleus � ribosome � endoplasmic reticulum (ER))

DNA in nucleus codes for protein, protein assembled in ribosomes and moves to ER, protein folds into its active shape

Which of these best describes mutualism? (ecology)

a relationship between two species where both species benefit

Which of these would be least likely to diffuse across the phospholipid bilayer of a cell membrane? (cell structure and function)

sodium ions

How would a drop in temperature most likely affect the processes of cellular respiration and photosynthesis? (cell energy)

The rates of both cellular respiration and photosynthesis would decrease.

Which abiotic factor limits the altitude at which plants can grow? (ecology)

the temperature of the area

How many daughter cells are formed in meiosis? (genetics)


Which of these shows the steps by which proteins are coded and synthesized? (genetics)

DNA -> RNA -> protein

Two gametes containing 20 chromosomes fuse during fertilization. How many chromosomes will the zygote cell contain? (genetics)


A molecule can easily pass through the selectively permeable membrane of an animal cell. Which of these most likely describes the molecule? (cell structure and function)

The molecule is very small and not charged.

Which of these directly allows blood cells to transport oxygen to various parts of the body? (cell structure and function)


One species of Galapagos finches, the cactus finch, eats insects off cactus plants. A disease kills off most of the cacti in the Galapagos Islands. Which of these most likely would happen to the carrying capacity of the island? (ecology)

It would decrease considerably since the finches are specifically adapted to their niche.

The chromosome structure in a cell accounts for genetic variation based on the order of its ___________. (genetics)

nitrogen bases

What will happen if an animal cell that has a solute concentration of 1% is placed in a 5% saltwater solution? (cell transport)

It will shrink because there is less water outside of the cell than there is on the inside.

Which statement describes a way in which cellular respiration differs from photosynthesis? (cell energy)

Cellular respiration releases carbon dioxide.

A cell with 24 chromosomes undergoes mitosis twice. How many chromosomes will each daughter cell have? (genetics)


Coyotes eat proteins in food. The proteins break down due to enzymes produced in the stomach of the coyote. The production of these enzymes then causes more enzymes to be released in the stomach. Which process does this describe?


What is one purpose of ATP molecules in plant and animal cells?

To store energy used for cell processes

A strand of DNA contains the sequence GGC-CAT. What is the complementary strand of mRNA for this sequence?


Which scientific evidence would show that two species of birds are closely related?

The two bird species have similar DNA sequences

The traits of populations in the forest ecosystem have changed over time. What caused the traits to change?

Natural selection

Which change to the forest ecosystem could limit the growth of the tussock moth population?

Loss of habitat

Students asked the following question. Question: What is the effect of the size of a moth population on the growth of trees in an ecosystem? Which reason describes why this question is scientifically testable?

Both tree height and moth population size can be measured.

If the tussock moth population increases rapidly, trees that people want to use can be damaged. One solution is to use an insecticide that kills moths to keep the moths from damaging trees. Which of the following is an unintended consequence of using inse

Beneficial insects in the forest are also killed off and the bird population decreases

In some species of moths, large wings are dominant over small wings, and yellow wings are dominant over white wings. What percent of the offspring of two moths with small white wings will also have small white wings?


How do tussock moths obtain energy in cellular respiration?

By breaking down glucose

Which is a role of the tussock moth larvae in the forest ecosystem carbon cycle?

The larvae eat food and release carbon dioxide

Students used a greenhouse as a model of a forest ecosystem to predict the effects of air temperature changes on tussock moths in a forest. Which of the following is a reason the greenhouse model might result in unreliable comparisons to the forest ecosys

The forest ecosystem is much more complex than the greenhouse

What did Paige and Logan do to make the results of the field study valid?

Collected data at three distances from the stream

The high flow line can move if the amount of water in a stream changes. Based on Paige and Logan's results, what would happen to the plants if the high flow line moved farther from the stream?

The number of plants four meters from the stream would decrease.

Paige and Logan counted a total of 480 plants in 12 square meters. What was the population density of these plants?

40 plants per square meter

How would a fish population affect the stream ecosystem?

Fish would produce waste, providing nutrients to plants.

A year after their field study, Paige and Logan collected new data and found an average of only 5 plants at locations two meters from the stream. Which could explain why the number of plants two meters from the stream decreased?

The topsoil had been washed away by a flood.

Why do frogs and fish in the stream have similar genes?

Frogs and fish share a common ancestor.

People often build homes near streams. Which action represents sustainable use of resources in the construction of new homes?

Using materials from old buildings for new homes