Bio123 Final


general set of principles supported by evidence that explains unified insights of science
-is testable and falsifiable but has no evidence pointing to falsify
-nothing in science is ever really considered "proven" -- it's always open to revision


proposed explanation. testable and falsifiable.
-if/then statements


claims, beliefs, or info that is portrayed as established scientific theory but lacks objective, repeatable data generated using the scientific method

Scientific method

observation, question, hypothesis, experiment, conclusion, report and publish

Characteristics of life

1. order
2. reproduction
3. growth and development -DNA is inherited
4. energy processing
5. respond to environment
6. constant internal environment (homeostasis: body's ability to remain constant)
7. evolve and adapt

hierarchy of life

- life builds from least complex to most:
atom --> molecule --> organelle --> cell --> tissue --> organ --> organ system --> organism --> population --> community --> ecosystem --> biosphere


provide food (ex: plants)


eat plants and other animals


break matter into simpler mineral nutrients




extreme prokaryotes (live in very hot/cold environments. won't cause diseases)


animalia, plantae, fungi, protists (multiple kingdoms, only single-celled)


-biology's chief unifying principle.
-gradual modification of populations of living things over time
-traits allow species to survive in an environment


occupies space and has mass


purest form of matter. Cannot be easily broken down.
Defined by the number of protons in nucleus


fundamental unit of matter


different number of electrons than protons.

atomic number

number of protons in nucleus

atomic mass

number of protons and neutrons


- in nucleus
- positive charge
- 1 atomic mass unit


- in nucleus
- no charge
- 1 atomic mass unit


- around nucleus
- negative charge
- virtually no mass


different number of neutrons than original.
same number of protons and electrons

radioactive isotopes

unstable and emits energy

Which particles allow atoms to interact with each other?


chemical bonding

atoms coming together forming molecules

covalent bond

atoms share electrons

ionic bond

atoms transfer electrons

hydrogen bond

attractions between a positively charged hydrogen and a weak, negatively charged atom (like oxygen)
- weakest bond
-2 polar covalently bonded molecules attracted by electronegativity

polar molecules

unequal sharing of electrons = partially charged atoms

nonpolar molecules

equally sharing of electrons = no partial charges

valence electrons

2+ atoms joined by a chemical bond -- more stable
example: water (h2o)

1st energy level

holds 2 electrons

outer energy levels

holds 8 electrons

octet rule

8 electrons in their outer shell

hydrogen bonding

very strong water surface tension = water insects can walk on those bonds.

high specific heat & heat of vaporization

a lot of energy is needed to heat water --- hydrogen bonds don't break easily


homogenous mixture of 2+ molecules, atoms, or ions
homogenous: same throughout whole mixture

Which is less dense, water or ice?

Ice = floating
frozen water = more hydrogen bonds


compound dissolved in solution.
ex: sugar in water


compound doing the dissolving.
ex: the water


love water -- water soluble
- can dissolve in water (polar)
- example: sugar or salt


hate water - lipid soluble
-can't dissolve in water (nonpolar)
- example: oil or gasoline


release a hydrogen ion when dissolved in water


release hydroxide ions when dissolved in water

Logarithmic scale

- 0 to 14
- increases 10 fold: pH of 3 is 10x more acidic than pH of 4
- neutral: 7.0 - pure water
- basic: >7; 14 being the most basic
- acidic: <7; 0 being the most acidic

buffering systems

- resist pH change because most living things function best in near-neutral pH
- example: antacids


-made of monosaccharides
- sugars
- polysaccharide: glycogen, starch, cellulose, chitin


- fats
- do not dissolve easily in water
- no monomer
-glyceride, steroids, phospholipids, wax


- ex: enzymes
- monomer: chains of amino acids

nucleic acids

- monomer: nucleotides

dehydration synthesis

build covalent bonds (condensation)


break covalent bonds (digestion)


human height, length of some nerve and muscle cells


chicken egg


frog egg


human egg, most plant and animal cells, nucleus, most bacteria


smallest bacteria, viruses, ribosome, proteins, lipids, atoms


bacteria or archaea
- do not have a bound nucleus; DNA floats free
-do not have membrane bound organelles


all other cells (plants and animals)
- DO have bound nucleus with DNA
- DO contain bound organelles


- recycling and garbage center of the cell
- digests food in protists
- digests worn out cell parts
- particles get transferred into cytosol to be reused or sent out of the cell


- protein filaments
- cell structure, movement, and transport of materials

plant specific organelles

central vacuole, thick cell wall, chloroplasts.
do not have lysosomes or centrioules

gap junctions

allow molecules and electric currents to move from cell to cell


series of tiny channels through the cell wall
-cell-to-cell communication in plants
-pass water, nutrients, and wastes

cell theory

every form of life is composed of 1 or more cells

plasma membrane

- many proteins either fixed within it or capable of moving across it
- fluid-mosaic model

phospholipid bilayer

- phosphate group & 2 fatty acid chains
- forms in reaction to water environment in and out of cell

cholesterol in PM

keep smaller molecules from passing
- resists hot and cold temps - fluid PM

proteins in PM

- structural support, recognition, communication, transport


short carbohydrate on outside of PM.
lubricates area between cells and allows them to adhere when needed

passive transport

no energy needed to move across PM


movement of a higher concentration to a lower concentration of that material

concentration gradient

difference btwn highest and lower concentrations of a solute

simple diffusion

direct movement right through PM. No help needed.
examples: oxygen and carbon dioxide


movement of water from higher water concentration to a lower concentration.
movement of water from a lower concentration of solute to a higher concentration

active transport

energy (ATP) is needed to move across PM

facilitated diffusion

molecules must pass through a transport protein in PM
- helps polar or charged molecules move through


solution has lower concentration of solutes than the cell = cells swell and lyse


osmotic pressure of cell and solution are equal = cells stay normal


solution has a higher concentration of solutes than the cell = cell shrivels


movement of large molecules OUT of the cell through vesicles


movement of large molecules IN to the cell by forming a vesicle with the PM

potential energy

energy is stored

kinetic energy

energy is in motion.
produces heat
once energy is heat, it will not reform

First law of thermodynamics

energy is neither created nor destroyed - only transferred

Second law of thermodynamics

energy transfer will always result in a greater amount of disorder


measure of the amount of disorder

energy coupling

exergonic reactions power endergonic reactions
- store energy so we can use it later

exergonic (downhill) reactions

reactants contain more energy than products
catabolic reaction: breaking of starches into simple sugars
- stored energy is released for body

endergonic (uphill) reactions

products contain more energy than reactants.
- anabolic reaction: building. glucose form starches
- USES energy

ATP structure

- adenosine group and 3 phosphate groups
- humans transfer food energy into ATP


protein that accelerates a chemical reaction
- lowers activation energy

Enzymes fold into what structure?

quaternary, with small pockets


substance that an enzyme helps transform

active sites

specific "pocket" for each substrate

competitive inhibition

inhibiting molecule binds to the active site

noncompetitive inhibition

inhibiting molecule binds to another spot on the enzyme.
Active site then changes shape (denature) = without a protein's shape, it's nothing

metabolic pathway

series of chemical reactions working together to a common goal

Cellular respiration formula

Glucose + Oxygen ---> Carbon dioxide + Water + 36ATP


gain electrons
decrease in positive charge


lose electrons
increase in positive charge

electron carriers

carry electrons from one part of the process to another
NAD - most important EC

oxidative phosphorylation

NADH + FADH2 bring electrons = LOTS of energy.


location: cytoplasm
- splits glucose into 2 pieces (3 carbons)
- produces 2 pyruvic acid, 2 NADH, 2 net ADP, and 2 H2O

lactic acid fermentation

- animals muscles and microbes
- Glucose --> Lactic acid + ATP + heat

alcohol fermentation

- plants and microbes, like yeast
- Glucose --> Ethanol + 2 CO2 + ATP + heat

aerobic respiration

Krebs & ETC are this.
- need oxygen

Krebs cycle (citric acid cycle)

- mitochondria
- input: 2 acetyl CoA
- output: 6 NADH, 2 FADH2, 2 ATP, 4 CO2


- oxygen = final electron acceptor
- total of 28 ATP and 4 H2O

prokaryotic aerobic respiration

- no mitochondria = most occurs in cytoplasm
-ETC is on PM

photosynthesis in prokaryotes

- do not have chloroplasts
- some can complete photosynthesis -- use thylakoid membrane fold for electron transport


turns solar energy into chemical energy.
- plants (autotrophs) make own food from inorganic molecules: feed heterotrophs (consumers)


filled with chlorophyll
- in mesophyll of plant leaves
- each mesophyll has 30 of these

palisade mesophyll

most photosynthesis occurs here

vein in plants

delivers water/nutrients


mini pores open and close for gas exchange (CO2 and O2 to enter/leave)


networks of membranes active in photosynthesis


liquid material in thylakoid and chloroplasts

chlorophyll a

primary pigment of plants.
- in thylakoid membrane to capture light

light dependent reactions

- light energy produces ATP
- water is split
- electrons derived from water are boosted by photons


collect solar energy and transform it into chemical energy

Calvin cycle

CO2 + RuBP = G3P (3 carbon sugar)
-occurs in stroma

Plants in hot/dry climates

- lower levels of CO2 and increasing O2
- photorespiration: releases CO2 and uses O2, stopping photosynthesis
- must adapt to survive

c4 plants

- fixes CO2 to a 4-carbon molecule
- saved until optimal
- if stomata is closed, rubisco binds to O2 instead = reducing photosynthesis
- any available CO2 saved

CAM plants

- cacti conserve as much water as possible
- plant's stomata opens at night
- CO2 is saved until sunrise
- sun's rays supply energy needed to power calvin cycle during day


contains info to make proteins
double helix with 4 bases


collection of an organism's genetic info
- found on DNA as genes
- half of genome comes from mom, other half from dad


basic unit of heredity


number and appearance of chromosomes in the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell


long, thin chromatin that folds up into tight coils


combo of DNA and protein

homologous chromosomes

chromosome pairs
- humans have 46 chromosomes: 22 homologous pairs of autosomes

sister chromatids

each chromosome is made up of these after going through replication

the cell cycle

cell replication is a repeating pattern of cell growth, genetic replication, and cell division.
consists of interphase and mitotic phase


DNA molecules separate (diploid to diploid)


physical division of cell. starts occurring in anaphase


consists of G2, S, and G2 phases where cell carries out normal functions, grows, and prepares for cell division


normal functions

S phase

DNA replicates


Prepares for mitosis - normal functions


nucleus degrades and chromosomes bundle


chromosomes line up on metaphase plate


sister chromatids pulled apart


2 nuclear envelopes form. cleavage furrow forms at middle

cytokinesis in plants and animals

animal: cleavage furrow
plant: cell plate

binary fission

- prokaryotes
-circular chromosomes but replicate like animal cells
-septum grows along middle of PM and separates cells

vegetative reproduction

plant cuttings or runners


new, complete organism formed from a portion of an existing one

diploid (2n)

cells that contain paired sets of chromosomes
ex: human diploid cell has 23 pairs of chromosomes or 46 total chromosomes

haploid (n)

contains a single set of chromosomes. a human haploid cell (gamete) has 23 chromosomes.

Prophase I

tetrad forms

Metaphase I

tetrads line up on metaphase plate

Anaphase I

homologous chromosomes pull apart

Telophase I


Prophase II

same as prophase I.

Metaphase II

sister chromatids randomly line up at metaphase plate (independent assortment)
spindles attach

Anaphase II

sister chromatids separate and move to each pole

Telophase II

haploid daughter cells forming

Differences between mitosis and meiosis

- produces 2 cells
- diploid to diploid
- identical cell created
- asexual reproduction
- produces 4 cells
- tetrads form
- crossing over occurs
- diploid to haploid


males produce sperm.
produces 4 identical functioning sperm


females produce oocytes (eggs)
produce 1 functional egg and 3 polar bodies (nonfunctional)

asexual reproduction

-new identical organism
- faster

sexual reproduction

- genetically unique offspring
- diversity: better suited for survival

Gregor Mendel

- used tweezers and paintbrushes to mate peas and observed 7 plant characteristics.
- elements retain character through generations
- without knowledge of DNA or chromosomes


physical feature that is seen


genetic code


trait that is visible


trait masked by a dominant gene


two identical alleles of a gene for a given characteristic


differing alleles for a characteristic

monohybrid cross

looking at only one trait during crosses
Ratio of heterozygous mating:
phenotype ratio= 3:1 (dominant:recessive)
genotype ratio= 1:2:1 (homozygous dominant:heterozygous:homozygous recessive)

dihybrid cross

looking at 2 traits during crosses
Ratio of heterozygous mating:

law of segregation

Differing characters in organisms result from 2 alleles that separate during gamete formation

incomplete dominance

Heterozygote phenotype is an intermediate between both homozygous phenotypes.
Ex: cholesterol in humans.
Ex: Red and white roses mated creating pink roses


alleles of the same gene can have independent factors.
An organism has 2 alleles with different phenotype effects.
Ex: Blood type. Type A and B carbs that extend from the surface of human red blood cells.

polygenic inheritance

Multiple genes have a small effect on one trait. Populations have many genes with multiple alleles. Allows for genetic diversity.


one gene has many effects. Example: Fragile-X syndrome.

How does the environment affect alleles?

External influences from environment can cause favorable or unfavorable trait development.
- flower color from soil acidity
- smoking alone does not always cause cancer, but smokers are much more likely to get lung cancer

Autosomal dominant disorders

dominant dysfunction of an allele on an autosome.
Ex: Huntington's disease

Recessive autosomal genetic disorders

recessive dysfunction of an allele on an autosome. Ex: Sickle cell anemia

X-linked disorders

errors carried on X chromosome. More common in males than females because they don't have another X chromosome to cover up the error.
Ex: color blindness

Watson, Crick, Franklin, Wilkins

used x-ray diffraction to detail DNA's structure and proposed a hypothesis of DNA double helix

semiconvservative model

- two DNA strands separate
- each strand is matched using base pairing
- new DNA helix has 1 old strand with 1 new strand


break hydrogen bonds between nucleotides

DNA polymerase

bind to each strand and add complementary nucleotides to DNA from 5' to 3'


enzyme that adheres 2 pieces of DNA

Okazaki fragments

starting pieces of RNA

Explain transcription vs. translation. How are they related?

Transcription: DNA >> mRNA in nucleus by RNA polymerase
Translation: mRNA >> proteins at ribosome

point mutations

mutation in a single base pair in the genome
harmful = can turn into cancer. uncontrolled growth/replication. random mutations are usually non inheritable

mutations in somatic cells

most mutations occur here. they can't be passed on

mutations in germ-line cells (gametes)

can be passed on to offspring

how mutations can be beneficial

could increase survival of an organism

Messenger RNA (mRNA)

code for proteins

Transcription RNA (tRNA)

bring amino acids to ribosome

Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)

make up 2 subunits of ribosomes

Structural difference between RNA and DNA


triplet of mRNA bases that translates to an amino acid
- every 3 mRNA = 1 amino acid


pulled in nucleus. "un-needed" part of sequence


Necessary part of the sequence that codes for proteins.
Exits nucleus

amino acids

building blocks of proteins (20 different of these)

Darwin's contribution

- observed many species
- Galapagos islands = completely isolated = no invasion of species to cross mate
- 13 species of finches evolved

Wallace's contribution

- "co-discover" of evolution
- studied birds and butterflies of South America and Southeast Asia
- presented work in 1858

radiometric dating

determining age based on decay of radioactive elements in bedrock (uranium 238)


fossils from same time periods are found together in geologic layers
ex: Trilobites went extinct 245 million years ago, fossils show they lived for 500 million years


study of physical forms & study of embryonic development
ex: homologous features are seen in mammal bone structures: different shapes, sizes, and functions but similar structures

island biogeography

islands isolated for many years
- organisms only found on Madagascar.
- Many species of lemurs live on Madagascar and rarely anywhere else in the world

Gene modification

variations found in the DNA sequences of various organisms
- ex: DNA sequencing compares human DNA to other organisms: some small differences


experimental demonstrations of evolution have been carried out in the laboratory and in nature
- organisms disappear when a predator is introduced
- organisms thrive when predators are removed: population increases, health decreases due to lack of food so

gene pool

populations have many allele variants of the same gene


all members of a single species living in one place
- smallest unit to evolve


change of allele frequency in a short amount of time within a population


formation of new species

natural selection

survival = higher mating frequency


changes in DNA sequences that allow for diversity

gene flow

movement of genes from 1 population to another


movement of individuals from one population to another

genetic drift

chance alternation of allele frequencies

bottleneck effect

change in allele frequencies due to lower population members

founder effect

small subpopulation moves and starts a new population

sexual selection

selection based on success to find mating partners


success of passing on genes to the next generation = how good you are at mating
- can change with the environment