Chapter 4 Vocab (Biology)


The basic unit of all forms of life.

Cell Membrane

Acts as container and gateway (nutrients, ions, water, and waste).

Cell Theory

The theory that all living things are made up of cells.


A cell that contains a nucleus.


Dense center of atoms made of protons and neutrons, most of the atom's mass.


One of several formed bodies with a specialized function that is suspended in the cytoplasm and found in nucleus cells.


A cell that has no nucleus.


Thin filaments in a cell.

Cell Wall

A rigid structure that is formed around the cell.


Cell organelle that is the site of photosynthesis.


The DNA and proteins in the nucleus of a non-dividing cell.


What is a double chromatin strand; has DNA and genetic information?


A short, hairlike organelle that extends form a cell and functions in locomotion.


A fold of the inner membrane of mitochondria.


The cytosol and structures in a cell.


A network of long protein strands in the cytosol that helps maintain the shape and size of a eukaryotic cell.


Watery aqueous both, in which cell structures are in the cell.

Endoplasmic Reticulum

A network of membranous sacs and tubes.


A hairlike structure made up of micro tubules.

Fluid Mosaic Model

A model of cell membrane structure.

Golgi Apparatus

Membrane enclosed sacs, that repackages and sends vesicles to parts of cell needed.

Intefral Protien

A protein produced by the body that inhibits reproduction.


Packages of hydrolytic enzymes that digest macromolecules; found in animal cells .


A polymer chain of the protein actin.


A hollow tube of protein that constitutes the largest strand in the cytoskeleton.


Energy conversion organelle, makes most of the cell's ATP; found in plant and animal cells. (Powerhouse of the cell)

Nuclear Envelope

Layer of two membranes that surrounds the nucleus of a cell.

Nuclear Matrix

Fiber framework extending throughout the nuclear interior.

Nuclear Pore

A small hole in the nuclear envelope through which substances pass between the nucleus and the cytoplasm.


The structure in which ribosomes are synthesized and partially assembled; found in most nuclei.

Peripheral Protein

A protein attached to the interior or exterior surface of the cell membrane.


A group of plant organelle that includes chloroplast and amyloplast.


An organelle that functions in the synthesis of proteins.

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

Has ribosomes, makes proteins.

Selectively Permeable Membrane

A membrane that keeps out some molecules but allows others to pass through.

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

Used for lipid synthesis and detoxification of drugs and poisons.

Spindle Fiber

A muscular reaction to a stimulus that is initiated by the neurons of the spinal cord and an organ or muscle.


The membrane that is the site of photosynthesis.


It is the storage area of a cell.

Coloial Organism

A collection of genetically identical cells that live together in a closely connected group.


A group of tissues that work together to perform related functions.

Organ System

A group of organs that interact to perform a set of related tasks.


A group of similar cells that perform a particular function.