Cells Test Review


Makes proteins by putting together chains of amino acids using instructions encoded in the cell's DNA

Golgi Complex

The membrane bound organelle that packages and distributes materials, such as proteins

Endoplasmic Reticulum

Assists in the production, processing, and transport of proteins and in the production of lipids


Contains digestive enzymes, which break down worn-out or damaged organelles, waste materials, and foreign invaders in the cell.

Differences in plant and animal cells

Cell wall, chloroplasts, plant has larger vacuoles, animal has circular shaper while plants have square shapes.

Difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes

Eukaryotes have nucleus and membrane bound organelles while prokaryotes don't


The way an organism/cell is made


The job it performs


Plants absorb sunlight to provide energy. Chloroplasts help the plant capture energy from sunlight to make food.

What is an organic compund?

Chemical compound that contains carbon atoms. Ex. Diamond, coal, oil

Cell wall

Rigid layer of non living material that surrounds the cell. gives the shape and support.

Cell membrane

Layer surrounding the cell. Inside the cell wall of plant cells. Controls what enters and leaves.


Clear, thick gel-like fluid between the cell membrane and nucleus. Contains the cell's organelles, which performs the necessary functions in the cell.


Large, oval structure towards the center of the cell. Directs all of the cell's activities

Genetic Material

The nucleus contains the chromosomes and DNA for an organism


Rod shaped organelles that produce most of the energy in a cell.


Round water-filled sac that functions as the storage area of the cell.


Large green structures that help a plant capture energy from the sunlight and use it to produce food.