Living Environment: Cells

The ability of an organism to maintain a stable internal balanced environment is


Failure to maintain homeostasis can result in

sickness or death

__________ molecules contain skeleton structures of carbon with hydrogen and oxygen


The organic molecule that is found in grains, vegetables and fruit, and that has the basic unit of glucose is a


The organic molecule that is found in meat, egg whites and beans and that has the basic unit of amino acid is


The organic molecule that is found in animal fats, nuts and oils and that has the basic unit of fatty acid and glycerin is


The organic molecule that is found in small amounts in all foods and that has the basic unit of nucleotide is

nucleic acid

What is the organization of living things from smallest to largest?

cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organism

The small parts that make up a cell are called


These store waste and water. They are large in plant cells and small in animal cells.


These are located on the ER or in the cytoplasm. They are where proteins are made


This is the site of cellular respiration in both plant and animal cells. It is also the powerhouse of the cell, where energy is made.


Glucose + oxygen --> carbon dioxide + water + ENERGY (ATP)

formula for cellular respiration

These are found only in plant cells. They are where photosynthesis occurs


Sun's energy + carbon dioxide + water --> glucose + water + oxygen

formula for photosynthesis

This is the control center of the cell. It contains DNA


This is the program code of life


This is the liquid media that fills the cell


This separates the contents of the cell from the outside environment. It also controls the transport of materials into and out of the cell

cell membrane

This is what it's called when a cell allows some materials to go through the cell membrane, but not other materials

selective permeability

When cells recognize and respond to chemical signals by using receptor molecules

cellular communication

The movement of molecules from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration. No energy is used

passive transport

The movement of molecules from areas of low concentration to areas of high concentration. Uses energy in the form of ATP

active transport