Cell Structure and Function Vocab Shultz 7th Grade


A type of cell or an organism whose cell does not contain a nucleus; includes bacteria and archaea


A type of cell or an organism whose cell(s) contains a nucleus; includes all plant, animal, fungus, and protist species.


A diverse group of eukaryotic organisms that are not fungi, plants, or animals


The smallest organized unit in a living thing


a living creature


An organism that cannot be seen without magnification


An organism that can be seen without magnification

Compound LIght Microscope

A microscope that uses two lenses and light to make a specimen visible

Cell Theory

A scientific theory that describes the properties of cells as the basic unit of structure and reproduction in all organisms.

Cell Membrane

The outermost living layer of a plant or animal cell that regulates what enters and leaves the cell


The jellylike material inside a cell and surrounded by the cell membrane


A cellular structure found in large numbers that produces proteins for the cell


Hereditary material that determines an organism's traits


A domain of single celled, prokaryotic organisms that survive in extreme environments such as heat, acid, or salt


A group of interbreeding organisms that share similar characteristics


The command center of the cell; regulates cell functions and contains the DNA


One of many structures in a cell that performs a specific function

Wet Mound Slide

Two microscope slides, or a slide and a coverslip, with a drop of liquid and/or a specimen between them


An organism composed of only one cell


Any organism composed of two or more cells.


The first new cell of an offspring, created wehn the sperm and egg combine


The process by which cells become specialized to perform a particular function


The stage of an organism that follows fertilization and continues until birth or germination

Cell wall

The outermost, rigid, non-living layer of a plant cell

Central vacuole

A large structure found in plant cells whose function is to store materials and waste


A green pigment that traps energy from the sun (only in Plant cells)


A chlorophyll containing structure found in plant cells and some single-celled organisms; its function is to produce food for the organism through a process known as photosynthesis (only in plant cells)

Endoplasmic Reticulum

A structure found in plant and animal cells that packages and moves materials around the cell, produces lipids, and breaks down different substances

Golgi Body

A folded, membrane bound organelle that functions to transport or secrete materials out of the cell.


An organism that obtains energy from taking in food, like plant or animal matter


An organism capable of synthesizing its own food using light or chemical energy