Ecology words


A word used to describe any living thing


An environment that provides the things an organism needs to live, grow, and reproduce.

Biotic Factors

The living parts of a habitat

Abiotic Factors

The nonliving parts of a habitat. (e.g. water, sunlight, oxygen, temperature, soil)


Process that allows plants to make their own food using the energy of the sun. This process happens in the chloroplasts of plant cells. This is an important process in the oxygen and carbon cycles on Earth.
(6 CO2 + 6 H2O ?SUNLIGHT? C6H12O6 + 6 O2 )

Cellular Respiration

Process that allows plants and animals to turn energy from food molecules, glucose, into an energy molecule, ATP, that can be used by cells. This process happens in the mitochondria of both plant and animal cells. This is an important process in the oxyge


The study of how living things interact with each other and with their environment is called...


A group of organisms that are physically similar and can mate with each other to produce offspring that can also mate and reproduce.


All the members of one species in a particular area at a particular time.


All the different populations that live together in a specific area at a particular time.


The community of organisms that live in a particular area, along with their nonliving surroundings.


An organism that obtains energy by feeding on other organisms.


An organism that can make its own food. They are the source of all the food in an ecosystem. (e.g. plants)


Organisms that break down wastes and dead organisms and return the raw materials to the ecosystem. (e.g. fungi and bacteria)

Carrying capacity

The largest population that an area can support.

Limiting factor

An environmental factor that causes a population to stop growing. (e.g. food, water, space, weather conditions)


Struggle between organisms for limited resources in a An environmental factor that causes a population to stop growing. (e.g. food, water, space, weather conditions).


Relationship between two species in which at least one species benefits.


Relationship between two species in which one species benefits and one is unharmed. (+, 0)


When one organism, parasite, is living on or inside another organism and harming the host organism.


Interaction between two species in which one organism kills and eats another organism. (+,-)


Relationship between two species in which both species benefit. (+,+)


The series of predictable changes that occur in a community over time.

Primary succession

A series of predictable changes that occur in an area where no soil or organisms exist. (e.g. after a volcanic eruption)

Secondary succession

A series of predictable changes that occur in an area where the ecosystem has been disturbed, but where soil and organisms still exist. (e.g. after a fire)

Pioneer species

The first species to populate an area during primary succession. They help break down rock and turn it into soil. (e.g. lichens and mosses)


Consumer organism that only eats plants. (e.g. cows, deer, caterpillars)


Consumer organism that only eat animals. (e.g. lion, spiders)


A carnivore that feeds on the bodies of dead organisms. (e.g. vulture)


When an individual is moving into a population.


When an individual is leaving or exiting a population.

Keystone species

A species that influences the survival of many other species in an ecosystem. (e.g. sea otter in the kelp forests of the Coastal Pacific Ocean)


The way a species makes its living or the particular role of a species in an ecosystem.

Niche diversity

When a habitat supports many different niches for the organisms that live there. This enables more species to live in the habitat and leads to great biodiversity. (e.g. coral reefs)


The number of different species in an area.

Threatened species

A species that could become endangered in the near future.

Endangered species

A species in danger of becoming extinct in the near future.


The disappearance of all members of a species from Earth.


A behavior or physical characteristic that allows an organism to live successfully in its environment.

Natural selection

A process by which characteristics that make an individual better suited to its environment become more common in a species.

Gene pool diversity

Organisms in a healthy population have a diversity of traits. The organisms in one species share many genes, but each organism also has some genes that differ from those of other individuals. These differences in DNA are caused by mutations. These individ

Food chain

A series of events in which one organism eats another to obtain energy.

Food web

Made of many overlapping food chains in an ecosystem. This is a more realistic way to show energy flow through an ecosystem.

Biological energy pyramid

Represents the amount of energy that moves from one feeding level to another in a food web. The most energy is available at the producer level and as you move up the pyramid less and less energy is available.

Trophic levels of a food chain

The levels of producers and consumers in a food chain. (Trophic means the nutrition at each level.)


Consumer organism that eats both plants and animals. (e.g. crows, bears)