
What led to the discovery of cells?


What is the cell theory?

All living things are made of cells, all cells come from existing cells,cells are the basic units of structure and function in a cell

When the volume of a cell increases, its surface area

Increases at a slower rate

Surface area is an factor in limiting cell growth because

The cell may become tok large to take in enough food and to remove enough wastes

The size to which the cells can grow is limited by

Surface area-to-volume ratio

As a cell size increases the surface area-to-volume ratio


To function most efficiently a cells size must be


What would be the greatest shape that would allow a cell to have the greatest surface area-to-volume ratio

Broad and flat

A cube with the side length of 6mm has a surface of


One difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes is that prokaryotes do jot have

A nucleus

Which cells have a cell membrane, cytoplasm, ribosomes, and DNA

All cells

The genetic material that provides instruction for making proteins is


A structure within a eukaryote cell that carries out specific activities inside the cell is called an


What statement about prokaryotes is correct?

Their evolution preceded that of eukaryotes

Only eukaryotic cells have

Membrane bound organelles

Microfilaments, microtubules, intermediate fibers are three kinds of cytoskeleton


Which cytoskeleton fiber would help a cell change shape to fit into a small space

Intermediate fibers

What is true between DNA and some proteins

Must be kept separate from cytoskeleton


Nucleus-nuclear envelope

The double membrane surrounding the nucleus is called

Nuclear envelope

In a cell, proteins are made on the


Where are bound ribosomes located

Attached to membranes of other organelle

The organelle that moves proteins and other substances through the cell

Endoplasmic recticulum

The organelle that modifies, sorts, and packages proteins

Golgi apparatus

Cells that need a lot of energy might contain a large number of


What do chloroplast and mitochondria have in common

They both make ATP

What is not found in plant and animal cells

A cell wall

What is a prokaryotic cell


What is true about colonial organisms

They can survive when seperated