Behavioral Therapy

Aversive Counterconditioning

A form of treatment where pairing a tremulous or behavior with an aversive or unpleasant stimulus reduces the attractiveness of that particular stimulus or behavior


A method or theory of learning focused on the stimulus and responses of behavior


Linking behaviors in a series resulting in each behavior being both the reinforcement (or consequence) for the previous behavior, and the stimuli (or antecedent) for the next behavior.

Classical Conditioning

A method of learning by pairing a neutral (conditioned) stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus which then induces a reflex or response. Eventually the neutral (conditioned) stimulus evokes the reflex or response whether or not the unconditional stimulus

Conditioned response

The response that is elicited by a conditioned stimulus resulting from pairing a conditioned stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus, this classical conditioning.

Conditioned Stimulus

A neutral Stimulus that is paired with an unconditioned stimulus in classical conditioning


Reinforcement is dependent on the completion of the desired behavior


Eye Movement desensitization and reprocessing used for client dealing with traumatic memories or PTSD. Client processes traumatic memories while at the same time focusing on external stimulation such as lateral eye movement or audio stimulation (e.g. hand

Exposure Therapy

Similar to systematic desensitization, but results are quicker. Ex: vivo desensitization and flooding.


IN operant conditioning, when reinforcement is suspended after a response, the behavior decreases. In classical conditioning, the conditioned response eventually fades after the conditioned stimulus is repeatedly followed without the unconditioned stimulu


a behavioral technique used to treat phobias in which the client is treated through prolonged imaginal or in vivo exposure to the fear stimulus until the extinction of the response (anxiety/fear)


Behaviors learned in one scenario or context are transferred to a similar but not identical situation.


Learning occurs as a result of observing the behaviors of others

Negative reinforcement

A behavior or response is strengthened when an unpleasant stimuli is removed after a specific behavior has occurred. A person is motivated to display a certain behavior to avoid an unpleasant experience or condition.

Operant Conditioning

the use of consequences or reinforcement to learn a new behavior (response) or strengthening of an existing response. A method of learning extensively research by B.F Skinner.

Positive Reinforcement

A behavior or response is followed by a pleasant stimuli or reward, which evokes a desired response and then increases the frequency of that behavior.


A undesireable stimulus or removal of a desirable stimulus occurs after a certain behavior in order to decrease the frequency of that behavior.


A consequence or stimulus that follows a response or behavior that causes that particular behavior to increase.


In operant conditioning, a desired behavior can be progressively developed trough repeated reinforcement of behaviors that are closer to the desired outcome.

Spontaneous recovery

In classical conditioning, after extinction, if the conditioned stimulus is again presented, the conditioned response is spontaneously elicited


An event or experience in the environment that triggers a response

Systematic desensitization

A technique used to treat phobia and other anxiety provoking behaviors by pairing an anti-anxiety producing stimulus (phobia or trigger) with relaxing-producing stimulus. Gradually the individual lessens the sensitivity to the anxiety-producing stimulus t