Neural bases of speech production

Lemma model

the architecture that supports word production consists of two subsystems. It intervenes between semantics and phonolgy and points to pertinent and morphosyntactic features.

Lexical selection

identifying the most appropriate word in the mental lexicon.


preparing the word's articulatory shape.


determining the metrical structure of the target word

Phonetic encoding and articulation

involves precompiled units in the syllabary and generating the articulatory score to drive the vocal apparatus

The external feedback loop

monitors the auditory signals of self produced speech.

the internal feedback loop

monitors the convert processes of generating phonological words

The lemma dilemma

Some brain-damaged patients make semantic errors in just one modality of output in the oral modalitiy, but not written.

the DIVA model of speech motor control

Directions into velocities of Articulators: a computer simulation model of speech motor control. The DIVA model begins where the LEMMA model off (phonetic encoding and articulation)

Speech sound map SSM (feedforward control systems)

a repository of acquired speech sound representations, a starting point for articulation

articulatory velocity and position maps AVPM (feedforward control systems)

contain vocal tract representations that specify the articulatory score of utterance

the initiation map IM (feedforward control systems)

a module that sends "go" signals to prepared speech motor commands

Movement in the feedforward control systems

During speech production, activation of a particular unit in SSM engages the corresponding vocal tract motor commands in the AVPM, and those commands are released by the go commands in the IM

The auditory target map ATM (Auditory feedback circut)

a module that subserves auditory target representations (acoustic expectations) during speech production

Auditory state map ASM (Auditory feedback circut)

a module that represents speech related auditory input, including self-generated utterances

Auditory error map AEM (auditory feedback circut)

a module that computes discrepancies between the anticipated and the actual sounds of self-generated utterances

Feedback control map FCM (auditory feedback circut)

a module that adjusts or updates articulatory commands in light of sensory feedback

Somatosensory target map STM (somatosensory feedback)

a module that subserves somatosensory target representations during speech production

Somatosensory state map SSM (somatosensory feedback)

a module that represents tactile and proprioceptive sensations associated with speech production

the feedback control map FCM (somatosensory feedback)

the same as described for auditory feed back circut

somatosensory error map SEM (somatosensory feedback circut)

a module that computes discrepancies between the anticipated and actual tactile sensations associated with speech production.

Speech sounds map damage will result in...

apraxia of speech

Bilateral damage to the articulatory velocity and position map results in..

spastic dysarthria

damage to the initiation map will result in...

akinetic mutism and transcortical motor apraxia