Quiz 3 - Medicare & Medicaid

Medicare is regulated at the ________________ level (federal or state)


Medicaid is regulated at the _________________ level (federal or state)


What determines medical necessity? Is it automatically assumed it is necessary if the MD refers it?

no. up to OT's to decide if necessary

What determines medical necessity? Do OTs/PTs set the requirements?

No. Have to always defend why their services are medically necessary. Insurance sets requirements

What determines medical necessity? Is it justified by our documentation and plan of care?


On what population is the majority of dollars in medicaid actually spent?

adults and older adults with disabilities

What population is most likely to be covered by medicaid?

children and women coming from low income

What is the major factor of medicaid eligibility?


The State Children's Health Insurance Plan targets what population?

children under 19 and children and families who earn too much that don't qualify for Medicaid

What is the functional use of CPT and HCPCS codes?

to bill for services

What is required for services to get paid under medicare? (i.e. what are they looking for in order to pay?) MD order alone?


What is required for services to get paid under medicare? (i.e. what are they looking for in order to pay?) A reasonable length of service?

yes. reasonable considering the patient's condition

What is required for services to get paid under medicare? (i.e. what are they looking for in order to pay?) The treatment plan is likely to produce functional improvements?


Can OT start a plan of care for home health?

no. can only eval. PT, Speech, and Nursing have to skill qualify the patient first

What is a common assessment used to determine functional progress under Medicare?