General Insurance


Defined as the transfer of pure risk to the insurance company in consideration for a premium

Pure Risk

A chance of loss without any chance of gain

Speculative Risk

The possibility for gain or loss and is not insurable


The chance of loss


A condition that could result in a loss


Something that increases the chance of loss


cause of loss


the policys cash value can be borrowed against at any time for immediate needs

Estate conservation

Life insurance proceeds may be used to pay inheritance taxes and federal estate taxes so that it is not necessary for the beneficiaries to sell off the assets.

Human Value approach

- the approach to determine how much insurance one should get
- it looks at the lost earnings potential if someone should die
- often limited to 10x annual income

Needs Approach

the amount needed depends on the financial needs that must be met if the family head should die

Buy-Sell Agreement

A legal contract that determines what will be done with a business in the event that an owner dies or becomes disabled.

Cross Purchase

used in partnerships when each partner buys a policy on the other

Entity Purchase Agreement

Type of buy-sell agreement that obligates the business entity to purchase an owner's interest in the entity upon that owner's death

Stock Purchase

used by privately owned corporations when each stockholder buys a policy on each of the others

Stock Redemption Plan

A type of buy and sell agreement
If a corporation has an agreement with a shareholder, and that shareholder dies, the corporation will be able to repurchase the outstanding stock the shareholder owned

Executive Bonus

an arrangement where the employer offers to give the employee a wage increase in the amount of the premium on a new life insurance policy on the employee

Insurable Interest

Any financial interest in life or property such that, if the life or property were lost or harmed, the insured would suffer financially.

Solicitation of insurance

attempt to persuade a person to buy a policy

Policy Summary

a written statement describing the features and elements of the policy being issued

Policy Replacement

- An action which eliminates the original policy or diminishes its benefits or values


the process of selecting, classifying, and pricing applicants for insurance


payment received every year


a fixed sum of money paid to someone each year, typically for the rest of their life.


The party receiving the benefits of an annuity, similar to the insured on an insurance policy. The annuitant usually also owns the annuity, although you can buy an annuity to benefit another party, who would then be the annuitant.


a person who derives advantage from something, especially a trust, will, or life insurance policy.

Accumulation Period

The time over which the annuitant makes payments or investments in an annuity, and when those payments earn interest tax deferred.

Annuity Period

The payout period of an annuity during which the annuitant receives periodic income payments. Synonymous with annuity phase.

Immediate Annuity

an annuity in which the annuitant begins receiving monthly benefits immediately

Deferred Annuity

An annuity that starts sometime in the future.

Accelerated Benefits

Riders attached to life insurance policies which allow death benefits to be used to cover nursing or convalescent home expenses.


An unexpected happening that may result in injury, loss, or damage.

accident insurance

A type of insurance that protects the insured against loss due to accidental bodily injury.

Accidental Bodily Injury

Unplanned, unforeseen traumatic injury to the body.