Arizona Life Insurance Exam - Federal Tax Considerations for Life Insurance and Annuities

Exclusion Ratio

Calculation method used to determine the annuity amounts to be excluded from taxes

Last In, First Out

(AKA LIFO) Principle applied to asset management in life insurance products, under which it is assumed that the funds paid into the policy last will be the first paid out

First In, First Out

(AKA FIFO) Principle under which it is assumed that the funds paid into the policy will be paid out first

Policy Endowment

Maturity Date

Policy Proceeds

In life insurance, the death benefit


Early termination of a policy be the policyowner


These payments made into a policy are not tax deductible

Death Benefit

If the beneficiary in a policy receives the ______________ as a lump-sum, it is tax free, but if it is has interest from installments, the interest is taxable


Since _________ are a return of unused premiums, they are not considered income for tax purposes, but the interest earned on them is

Cash Value

The __________ on pertinent policies will grow tax deferred, an interest earned is taxable

Policy Loan

If the policyowner takes out a ___________, it is not taxable


If the policyowner __________ a policy, the cash value received, if greater than premiums, is taxable

7-pay Test

Test to determine if the cumulative premiums paid during the first 7 years of the policy exceed the total amount of net level premiums that would be required to pay the policy up

Modified Endowment Contract

An insurance policy that is over funded, does not receive the standard tax benefits of a life insurance contract, and fails the 7-pay test

Cost Base

The portion of an annuity premiums that is nontaxable and is the anticipated return of the principal paid in

Tax Base

The portion of an annuity premiums that is taxable and is the interest earned on the principal


The penalty is __% of the shortfall from the required annual amount for annuities that are not large enough for distributions by a certain age


The penalty is __% for premature distributions under annuity contracts before the age of 59.5


When annuities are ________-_____, growth is not tax deferred, interest income is taxed annually unless is it a group annuity and employees receive a certificate of participation

Section 1035

____________ exchanges are nontaxable, exchanges in which a life insurance policy for another life insurance policy, endowment contract, or an annuity, and endowment contract for an endowment contract or annuity, or an annuity for an annuity