Chapter 6

Ideal Culture

Calls for equal opportunity for all

Real Culture

Social forces make it very difficult for some people to improve their lot

Social Stratification

The ranking of people into a hierarchy in which the resources considered valuable by society are unequally distributed


An uneven distribution of the resources available

Absolute Definition of Poverty

Establishes a fixed economic level below which people are considered poor, and this level does not necessarily change as society on the whole becomes more affluent

Relative Definition of Poverty

People are poor relative to some standard, and that standard is partially shaped by the lifestyles of other citizens

Cultural Definition of Poverty

Views poverty not only in terms of how many resources people have but also in terms of why they have failed to achieve a higher economic level

Structural Unemployment

Unemployment is a part of the very structure of the economy

Social Mobility

The movement of people from one social position to another in the stratification hierarchy

Cultural Analysis of Poverty

The values, attitudes, and psychological orientations that may emerge among groups of people who live under conditions of poverty

Full Employment

A situation in which everyone or nearly everyone who wants to work can find a job

Social Insurance

Programs offering benefits to broad categories of people, such as the elderly or injured workers, who presumably were working and paying for the insurance before becoming eligible for it

Public Assistance

Programs in which a person must pass a "means" test to be eligible; welfare