Color Theory

red, blue and yellow

What are the three primary colors?


Which of the primary colors is considered the darkest?


What colors are produced by mixing two primary colors in equal proportions?

black pigment

Eumelanin is what pigment in hair?

made by mixing a primary color with its neighboring secondary color

Tertiary colors are?

brown or dark gray

When mixed with its complement, a color becomes?

1 is darker than 10

What is the difference between a color level 1 and a color level 10?

complementary colors

colors found opposite each other on the color wheel are called?

primary, seconday, and tertiary

What colors are displayed on the color wheel?


Which layer of the hair gives hair its pigment?

products used on the hair

What may affect the porosity of hair?

pigmented granule

melanin is a/an

1 level lighter

if a client has 25% to 30% gray hair, what level should the hair coloring be in comparison to the desired shade?


An example of tertiary color would be:

level 10

Which of the following is the lightest hair color level?


Fine hair, which is less resistant, may appear to process in what manner when color is deposited


which of the primary colors is considered the darkest?

What are warm colors?

colors that fall into the orange and red half of the color wheel

red hair

A predominant amount of pheomelanin will produse


An application of what colors would help rid a client of unwanted orange tones?

lightness or darkness

The level of a hair color describes the hairs:

warm or cool

Tone describes whether a color is:


An equal mixture of red and yellow creates what color?


Which hair texture may tend to prcess sligtly lighter than the inended level?

light, medium and dark

The magor fields of color are:

brown or dark gray

When mixed with its complement, a color becomes:


the brightness or vividness of a hair color is referred to as;


Equal proportions of blue and yellow create:


Cool colors are the:

warm colors

Which colors would best suit a client with golden skin pigment?

the vividness of a hair color

Intensity refers to:

light blonde hair

A small population of eumelanin will produce:


What do melancytes produce?

cortex layer of the hair

Melanin is found primarily in the:

existing tone

Before performing a color service, the stylist should analyze the client's natural hair color level and:


Colors with a predominance of red are considered to be ____________ tones.