The Technical term for bitten nails. The Result of a habit of chewing the nail or the hardened, damaged skin surrounding the nail plate
Split of brittle nails that have a series of lengthwise ridges giving a rough appearance to the nail plate. Ridges are called Striations. Caused by injury to matrix, excessive use of cuticle removers, harsh cleaning agents, heredity, or filing.
Plicatured Nail
Folded nail. Sides of the nail fold at a 90 degree angle. Usually caused by injury to matrix or inherited. Could lead to ingrown nails.
The skin at the base of the nail body attaches to the nail plate and it is stretched. Caused by a serious injury. Do not try to remove or push back skin.
enlargement of the finger nails or toenails accompanied by thickening and increasing crosswise curvature of the nail. Could curve around to another nail. Caused by injury to matrix or neglect.
Pincer Nail
Trumpet Nail. The edges of the nail curl around to make the nail shaped like a trumpet or cone. You may be able to trim and file.
Nail Psoriasis
Condition that affects the nail surface with pits and ridges. Nails could have a yellowish or red spots. Nails are very brittle. People with psoriasis could develop it
Separation and falling off of a nail from the nail bed. Caused by systemic illness localized infection, or injury. Chemo patients could get it as well. When problem is resolved a new nail will grow back.
Lifting of the nail plate from the bed without shedding, usually begins at the free edge and continues toward the lunula.
Usually the result of injury, trauma, or allergic reaction, or health disorder.
Bacteria infection of the matrix. The nail plate sheds because of the infection. Breaks in the skin could let pathogens in to cause infection. Make sure that all implements are properly cleaned and disinfected.
Ingrown nail. The nail grows into the sides of the living skin or tissue around the nail. Any sign of infection Do Not proved any services.
Nail Mold
A bacterial infection caused by pseudomonas aeruinosa. transmitted by unsanitary implements. Nails will be green, yellow, or black. The darker the color the later the stage of Mold.
term given to any nail disease or condition.
Nail Fold
Folds of normal skin around the nail plate.
The living skin bordering the root and sides of a fingernail or toenail.
Side wall or Lateral nail fold
the fold of skin overlapping the side of the nail.
Nail grooves
the slits or furrows on each side of the nail on which it moves as it grows.
the living skin at the base of the nail plate covering the matrix, it is attached by the cuticle. Often mistaken for the cuticle.
The dead, colorless tissue attached to the nail plate. It comes from the underside of the skin that lies above the natural nail. It seals the space between nail plate and living skin.
The whiteish half moon shape underneath the base of the nail. The visible part of the matrix that extends from underneath the living skin.
Deep fold of tissue where the matrix is lodged.
Nail Malformation
When the nail is abnormal in shape of form. Damage to the matrix can cause this.
The area where the nail plate cells are formed. Where the growth begins.
Free Edge
Portion of he nail that extends beyond the tip o the finger or the toe. The part you trim and file.
The sightly thickened layer of skin under the nail that lies between the finger tip and the free edge of the nail plate. Where the skin attaches to the nail plate under the free edge.
Bed Epithelium
Thin piece of tissue located between nail plate and nail plate. It helps connect plate to the nail bed and helps the nail to move forward as it grows.
Nail plate or Nail body
Hardened Keratin plate that sits on and covers the nail. Visible portion of the nail.
The hard protective plate composed mainly of Keratin. Name of the nail.
Blue Nails
Have a blueish cast from the lack of oxygen in the red blood cells. Probably from a disease or underlying condition, or being cold.
Discolored Nails
Nails turn a variety of colors due to surface staingin, poor circulation, foods you eat, smoking, or systemic disorder.
Beau's Lines
Visible depressions running the width of the nail. Usually the cause of the some major illness or trauma to the body. Adverse drug reaction, heart failure, surgery, massive injury. Matrix slows down in production, nail plate becomes thin, the will start g
Bruised Nail
Blood clot underneath the nail plate, causing a dark spot blueish in color. Due to small injuries to the nail bed. Do not work with until it heals.
Egg shell Nails
Noticeably thin, white nail plates which causes it to fold over the edge. Caused by poor diet, heredity, disease, or medication. Also be careful manicuring because the nails are fragile and back easily.
Angnail (hangnail)
The skin around the nail plate splits and tears. Dry skin or small cuts will cause it. Treatments could include oil manicures, cuticle oil, spa manicure, or carefully trim hangnail (but not without an instructor)
Soft spoon nails with a con cave shape that appears scooped out. Could hold a whole drop of water. Caused by iron deficiency (anemia), heart disease, hemochromatosis, or hypothyroidism.
Vertical lines running down the length of the nail plate which is caused by uneven growth of the nails. Caused by normal aging. You could buff the nails or use a ridge filer.
Splinter Hemorrhages
Caused by injury or trauma to the nail bed. The capillaries get damages, release blood. The blood oxidizes and turns brown or black giving the appearance of splinter. The splinter will eventually grow out.
White spots. White discolorations of the nail caused by minor injury to the nail matrix. Air pockets underneath the nail plate.
Darkening of the nail. It is when too much pigments is deposited when the nail is forming. Could be lines or a total darkening.
When the nails get thicker instead of longer. Associated with infection.
Nail Disorder
Condition caused by an injury or disease of the nail unit
Pyogenic Granuloma
Lumps of red tissue which grows up from the bed to the nail plate. People that use alot of precussion with their fingers get it. Pianist or typers
Tough fiborous tissue that connects bones or holds an organ in place. Specialized ligaments attach the nail bed and matrix bed to the underlying bone.
Nail Unit
Nail plate, nail bed, matrix, cuticle, eponychium, perionychium, hyponychium, ligaments, and nail folds
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
The fungus that causes nail mold
Tinea Ungium / Onychomycosis
Onychomycosis. Ringworm of the nail. White patches that could be scrapped off, dark patches in the nail. Layers of the nail could come off. Starts at the free edge works its way back. Later stages the darker it is.
Tinea Pedis
Fungal infection of the foot. Athlete's foot. Appears as a red itchy rash between toes. Avoid working with them.
Nail Bed
Portion of the living skin that supports the nail plate as it grows toward the free edge.
Bacterial inflammation of the tissues surrounding the nail. Redness, pus, swelling are usually seen in the skin fold adjacent to the nail plate.