review final of ch15-19

when radiographing the fingers, what anatomy should be included?

entire digit and distal portion of metacarpal

which projection and position of the shoulder demonstrates the greater tubercle of the humerus in profile?

AP projection an external rotation

which carpal bones are best demonstrated on the AP oblique projection of the forearm?

arm is fully extended with hand supinated and posterior surface in contact with IR. Coronal plane parallel to IR.

what is the relationship of the humeral epicondyles with the IR for the AP projection of the shoulder in internal rotation?

Perpendicular to IR

what is the proper patient position for the lateral projection of the scapula in th upright position?

anterioroblique with affected side of the IR

which of the following describes the proper method to position the humerus for an AP projection?

arm slightly abducted with palm of hand supinated. Coronal plane of humeral epicondyles parallel to IR

where is the CR entrance point for the AP projections of the shoulder?

perpendicular to a point 1 inch medial and inferior to corocoid process

what is the position fof the wrist for the PA oblique projection?

45 degree coronal plane, interior medial

what is the center point of the CR for the PA projection of the hand?

perpendicular to 3rd metacarpal phalangial joint

to demonstrate the interphalangeal joint spaces, how must the finger be positioned for the PA oblique and lateral projections?

parallel to the IR

which of the following describes the proper position of the forearm when taking a lateral projection of the forearm?

elvow fled 90 degree with medial surfaces in contact with IR

what anatomy is best demonstrated on the AP oblique projection in 45 degree medial rotation of the elbow?

coronoid process and trochlea without superimposition of ulna

what is the proper CR angle and direction on the PA axial projection of the clavicle?

15 degree to 30 degree caudad

what specific anatomy is demonstrated withour superimposition in the AP oblique projection in 45 degree lateral oblique position of the elbow?

radial head and capitulum without superimposition of ulna

what anatomy is best demonstrated in the AP projection of the shoulder in internal rotation?

lesser tubercle in profile

what is the advantage of imaging the clavicle using PA projections?

decrease in OID

what is the purpose of radiographic examination of the AC joints?

acromioclavicular, position of bonses, ligament stability

what is the proper patient postion for the AP projection of the scapula?

arm abducted so humerus is perpendicular to long axis of body, elbow fled 90 degrees

what is the relationship of the humerl epicondyles with the IR for the AP projection fo the shoulder in external roation?

humeral epicondyle parallel to IR

when taking an AP axial projection of the foot, the central ray is directed:

angled 10 degrees posteriorly

what is the relationship of the foot to the tibia when performing a true lateral projection of the foot?

ankle is dorsiflexed so that long axis of foot is perpendicular to tibia

which projection and position will demonstrate the metatarsals without superimposition?

APO leg rotated medially 30 degree

what device may help provide an even density on a radiograph of an AP axial projection of the foot?

wedge filter attached to collimater

when the leg is extended in the supine position, the foot is maximally dorsiflexed, and the central ray is directed 40 degrees cephalad through the plantar surface of the foot, the resulting image will demonstrate:

axial projection of calcaneus

when the leg is extedned, the ankle is dorsiflexed to form and angle of 90 degrees between foot and leg, the leg is rotated medially approximately 15 degrees, and the CR is perpendicular to the IR through the midpoint between the malleoli, the resulting i

ankle mortise

describe the correct position for an AP projection of the lower leg

leg fully extended with posterior surface of lower leg in contact with IR, margin of IR is 1 inch to 2 inch beyond joint of primary interst. foot is dorsiflexed so that plantar surface of foot forms 90 degree angle with coronal plane of lower leg.

on a lateral projection of the knee, what anatomy is used to determine if the knee joint is properly positioned?

distal femur with condyles superimposed and joint space free of superimposition

what is the correct amount of knee flexion for the PA axial projection (holmblad method) of the intercondylar fossa?

knee flexed so that angle between femur and table is 70 degrees

what radiographic methods is (are) used to demonstrate the intercondylar fossa?

holmblad and camp coventry method, PA axial projection

when the patient is prone, the knee is flexed to form and angle of 80 degrees between the femur and the lower leg, and the central ray is directed approximately 15 degree to 20 degrees cephalad through the inferior margin of the patella, the resulting rad

a tangential projection of the patella

when taking a lateral projection of the knee, flexion of the knee joint should be limited to 10 degrees when there is suspicion of:

a fracture of patella

when taking an AP projection of the prozimal femur, the IR should be placed so that the

IR is placed at level of ASIS

what is the proper position fo the femurs for an AP projection of the pelvis?

femurs are rotated medially 15 degrees to place femoral neck parallel to IR

what is the purpose of internally rotation the lower limbs for the AP projection of the pelvis?

so femoral neck is parallel to IR

which of the following should be used to image the hip of a patient with a suspected fracture?

axiolateral projection (daneius-miller mehod)

what anatomical structures are best demonstrated by the AP oblique projections of the cervical spine?

intervertebral foramina on side farthest from IR

which scroiliac joint is demonstrated when the patient is positioned in a 25 degree to 30 degree RAO position?

right side down

what device may be used to improve visualization of the spinous processes of the thoracic spine on the lateral projection?

a strip of lead or a lead rubber mask behind the patient

which of the following is the proper body position to demonstrate the left zygapophyseal joints of the lumbar spine?

angle 45 degrees LPO

when viewing an AP projection of the upper cervical spine (open mouth technique), you notice that the base of the skull is superimposed over the dens. What poitioning error caused this?

patients neck was extended too far

what anatomical structures of the cervical spine are best demonstrated by the lateral projection?

zygapophyseal joints, disk spaces, spinious process

when the patient is upright, the sgital plane of the necik and head are parallel to the IR, and the central ray is directed perpendicular to C4, the resulting radiograph will be a(n):

lateral projection of cervical spine

which of the following is the proper patient position to demonstate the right sacroiliac joint?

25 degree to 30 degree RAO position or LPO position

what is the purpose of lateral projections of the cervical spine in flezion and extension positions

to evaluate intersegmental stability

where does theCR enter the patient for the AP projection of the lumbar spine?

perpendiculat to center of IR through L4 in midline at level of iliac crest

why should a lateral projection of the cervical spine be performed and evaluated by a physician before flexion and extension positions?

when there has been recent trauma to the cervical spine

what specific anatomy is best demonstrated on the AP oblique projection of the lumbar spine if patient is positioned in a 45 degree RPO position?

right zygapopyseal joints

which of the following patient positions will demonstrate the left scroiliac joint?

25-30 degree RPO or LAO positions

a patient is positioned with the sagital plane of the head parallel to the IR and the interpupillary line perpendicular to the IR. The CR is directed perpendicular to enter 2 inches superior to the EAM. What projection of the cranium will be demonstrated

lateral projection

sphenoid sinus is best demonstrate by which projection?

SMV and lateral

the patient is positioned with OML perpendicualr to the IR. The CR is angeled 30 degrees caudal and enters MSP at approximately 2.5 inches superior to the glabella. What projection will be imaged on the radiograph?

AP axial (towns method)

what cranial structures are best demonstrated by the SMV rojection?

sphenoid bone and cranial foramina

what is the radiographic baseline that is used to position the PA axial projection (caldwell method) of the cranium?

orbital meatal line

what are the disadvantages of an AP projection of the cranim as compared with a PA projection?

orbits and other anterior structures are magnified compared to PA projection more radiation is increased

what is the projection of the cranium demonstrates the petrous ridges within the orbits?


which cranial projection best demonstrates the occipital bone?

AP axial (towns method)

when the right and left halves of the skull do not appear symmetrical on a PA or AP projection, this is a sign that the:

sagital plane is not perpendicular to film

all of the paranasal sinuses are best demonstrate by which projection?


what is the proper CR angle and direction for the axiolateral oblique projection of the mandible when MSP of the head is angled 15 degrees toward the IR?

10 degrees cephalad through mandable

SMV projection demonstrate whichof the paranasal sinuses

ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses

On the PA axial projection (caldwell method) demonstrate what facial bones:

orbits, zygomatic bones, maxilla, nasal septum and portion of mandible

which portion of the ribs is best demonstrated on the AP projection

posterior portion

Routine postions for the right 5th anterior rib are:

LAO and prone position

Routine postions for the left 10th posterior rib are:

LPO position and supine

Which ribs are best demonstrated whn the exposure is made after the patient suspended respirations after inspiration

1-10 ribs

whcih of the following are ways in which a chest examination differs from an examination of the ribs

Chest-larger kvp, 72 SID, 2nd inspiration, upright
Ribs-smaller kvp, 40 SID, inspiration and exper.

what is the proper patient position for the PA oblique projection of the sternum

15-30 degrees RAO position

what is the purpose of the 72 in SID used for chest radiography

to minimizxe magnification of the image of the heart

which of the following describe the importance of using an upright position for chest radiography

upright postiond demonstrates air fluid levels
and allows maximum lung expansion

which technique is deirable for chest radiography

higher kvp, high ma, short exposure time

what is the purpose of rotating the patiens shoulders anteriorly for the PA projection of the chest

to rotate scapulae out of the way

which of the following is best for demonstration of the apices of the lungs without bony superimpositon

AP axial - Lordotic

which of the following projections benefits from the use of "breathing techinque

PAO sternum

An AP upright projection fo the abdomen is useful for the visualization of:

air fluid levels in intestines

when a patient is unable to stand for an upright projection of the abdomen, which of the following positions may be substituted

left lateral decubitus

Which supplemental projections of the lumbar spine will demonstrate the zygophyseal joints closer to the IR


which of the following will help position the entire thoracic spine parallel to the IR when the patient is in a lateral recumbent position

support under wasit and hips radiolucent sponge

whcih scaroiliac joint is demonstrated when the patient is positioned in a 25 to 30 degree RPO position


which projection fo the lumbar spine demonstrates open intervertebral foramina
