Milady's Chapter 4 Communicating for Success

Client Consultation

verbal communication with a client to determine desired results


the act of accurately sharing information between two people, or groups of people

Reflective Listening

listening to the client and then repeating, in your own words, what you think the client is telling you

How Secure we feel

a fundamental factor in human relations. When we feel secure we act in a cooperative and trusting manner.

Respond instead of


Believe in yourself

trust your judgment, uphold your values, and stick to what you believe is the right thing to do

Talk less, Listen more

you have two ears and one mouth

Be Attentive

each client is different

Take your own temperature

monitor your own feelings and actions closely

You can communicate through

words, voice inflections, facial expressions, body language, and visual tools (portfolio)

Intake Form

also called a client questionnaire or a consultation card

5-15 minutes

your consultation should last about _______________.

Total Look Concept

taking into consideration your clients lifestyle, clothing, skin, and nails as well as hair needs

Tardy Clients

know your salon's policy, let your client know why you can or cannot take them, schedule your client earlier

Unhappy Clients

find out why they are unhappy, fix it if you can immediately, honestly and tactfully explain if you cannot fix it, NEVER ARGUE, call a more experienced stylist or manager, confer with the salon manager after

Communicating with Co-workers

Respect, remain objective, be honest and sensitive, remain neutral, seek help from someone you respect, don't take things personally, keep your private life private

Be a problem solver

find solutions

Do not gossip or complain about colleagues

that tells your manager that you are a trouble maker

Be open to constructive criticism

it is your managers job to evaluate your skills and give you honest feedback

Employee Evaluation

an important meeting between you and your manager, let's you know what you can improve on and what you are doing well. It is important to remember that open communication will help you get further in these meetings