Chapter 6- General Anatomy And Physiology

Cosmetology is primarily restricted to the muscles, nerves, circulatory system, &:

Bones of the head, face, neck, arms, hands, lower legs, & feet.

The basic unit of all living things is the:


The substance called protoplasm is found in:

The cells of all living things.

The study of the structures of the human body is:


A dense active protoplasm found in the center of the cell is:


Most cells reproduce by dividing into two identical cells called:

Daughter cells.

The watery fluid that cells need for growth, reproduction, & self-repair is found in the:


The chemical process whereby cells are nourished & carry out their activities is:


The chemical process of cell nourishment has two phases, which are:

Anabolism & catabolism.

A collection of similar cells that perform a specific function are:


A type of tissue that supports, protects, & binds together other tissues of the body is:

Connective tissue.

Tissues that are a protective covering on the skin or the lining of the heart & glands are examples of:

Epithelial tissue.

Nerve tissue is composed of special cells known as:


The physical foundation of the body is the:

Skeletal system.

The connection between two or more bones is a:


The scientific name for the study of the anatomy, structure, & function of the bones is:


The ankle joint is formed by the tibia, fibula, & the:


The oval, bony case that protects the brain is the:


The hindmost bone of the skull, below the parietal bone, which forms the back of the skull above the nape is the:

Occipital bone.

The bone of the face are involved in:

Facial massage.

The system of the body that covers, shapes, & supports the skeleton tissue is the:

Muscular system.

The medical term used to describe the study, function, & diseases of the muscles is:


The two bones that form the upper jaw are:

Nasal bones.

The two bones that form the sides & crown (top) of the cranium are the:

Parietal bones.

The uppermost & largest bone of the arm, extending from the elbow to the shoulder, is the:


The foot is made up of:

26 bones.

A heavy, long bone that forms the leg above the knee:

The femur.

Muscles are fibrous tissue classified as three types, which are:

Striated, nonstriated, & cardiac.

Skeletal muscles attached to bone that are voluntary or controlled at will are:

Striated muscle.

The part of the muscle that does not move is the:


Pressure applied to a muscle during a massage is usually directed from the:

Insertion to the origin.

The broad muscle that covers the top of the head is the:


The front portion of the epicranius that raises the eyebrows, draws the scalp forward, & causes wrinkles across the forehead is the:


The sternocleidomastoid muscle is the muscle of the neck that is responsible for:

Lowering & rotating the head.

The ring muscle of the eye socket that enables the eyes to close is the:

Orbicularis oculi.

A muscle covering the back of the neck & the upper & middle region of the back that rotates & controls the swinging of the arms is the:


Muscles that straighten the wrist, hand, & fingers to form a straight line are the:


The muscles at the base of the fingers that draw fingers together are the:


The gastrocnemius muscle is located in the:

Lower leg.

The scientific study of the structure, function, & pathology of the nervous system is:


Every square inch of the body is supplied with the fibers known as:


The nervous system that controls the brain, spinal cord, spinal nerves, & cranial nerves is the:

Central nervous system.

The system of nerves that carries impulses or messages to & from the central nervous system is the:

Peripheral nervous system.

The portion of the central nervous system that originates in the brain, extends down the lower extremity of the trunk, & is protected is the:

Spinal cord.

The largest & most complex nerve tissue in the body is the:


Whitish cords made up of bundles of nerve fibers held together by connective tissue are:


Sensory nerve endings that are located close to the surface of the skin are:


Nerves that carry impulses from the brain to the muscles & produce movement are:

Motor nerves.

The largest of the cranial nerves, also known as the trifacial nerve or the trigeminal nerve, is the:

Fifth cranial nerve.

The chief motor nerve of the face that emerges near the lower part of the ear & extends to the muscles of the neck is the:

Seventh cranial nerve.

The nerve & branches that supply the thumb side of the arm & back of the hand is the:

Radial nerve.

The anterior tibial nerve extends to the front of the leg, behind the muscles, & is also referred to as:

Deep peroneal nerve.

The system that controls the steady circulation of blood through the body by means of the heart & blood vessels is the:

Circulatory system.

The system that involves the heart, arteries, capillaries, & veins is the:

Blood vascular system.

A clear yelowish fluid that circulates in the lymphatics of the body & carries waste & impurities away from the cells is:


The upper, thin-walled chambers of the heart are the:

Left & right atria.

The blood circulatory system that sends blood from the heart to the lungs to be purified is the:

Pulmonary circulation.

Tubelike stuctures that include arteries, capillaries, & veins are:

Blood vessels.

A thin-walled blood vessels that is less elastic than an artery is a:


The largest artery in the human body is the:


White blood cells perform the important function of destroying:

Disease-causing microorganisms.

The artery that supplies blood to the anterior (front) part of the scalp, ear, face, neck, & side of the head is the:

External carotid artery.

The main blood supply of the arms & hands are the:

Ulnar & radial arteries.

Which of the following is NOT an artery that supplies blood to the lower leg or foot?

Radial artery.

Endocrine glands release secretion called:


The integumentary system is made up of the skin & accessory organs such as:

Oil & sweat gland, sensory receptors, hair, & nails.