cosmetology-chapter 9


technical term for gray hair; results from the loss of the hair's natural melanin pigment

ringed hair

A variety of canities, characterized by alternating bands of gray and pigmented hair, is


abnormal excessive hair also known as hirustism


technical term for split ends

trichorrhexis nodosa

knotted hair, characterized by brittleness and the formation of nodular swellings along the hair shaft


technical term for beaded hair

fragilitas crinium

technical term for brittle hair


dandruff, an inflammation of the skin characterized by the formation and flaking of fine, thin scales


naturally occuring fungus that is present on all human skin, and is responsible for dandruff

pityriasis capitis simplex

technical term for classic dandruff, characterized by scalp irritation, large flake and itchy scalp

pityriasis steatoides

a severe type of dandruff characterized by an accumulation of greasy or waxy scalp scales mixed with sebum


any fungal skin disease, also called ringworm

tinea capitis

fungal infection of the scalp characterized by red papules, or spots at the opening of hair follicles

tinea favosa

fungal infection characterized by dry, sulfur-yellow, cup like crusts on the scalp, called scatula


contagious skin disease transmitted by the itch mite

pediculosis capitis

infestation of the hair and scalp with head lice


a boil; a painful nodule formed in the skin by inflammation originating in a hair follicle-- caused by staphylococcosis


an infection larger than a boil and with several openings for discharge of pus